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[IN] [F747957] 印度求购面包生产线(bread making plant) (11-09)
  fully automatic Indian bread making plant Product like we have in Pakistan. Paki pakai taza roti
[CA] [F583576] 加拿大求购面包生产线(baguette production line) (08-09)
  I would like to get two quotes for a whole baguette production line (mixer, divider, moulder, proofer, oven, trays and trolley). 1) Baguette's production capacity of 1000 pcs per 12 hrs journey. 2) ...
[US] [F270457] 美国求购面包生产线(bread line) (10-24)
  full atuomatic line for bakery , french and italin bread
[VE] [F205650] 委内瑞拉求购面包生产线(bread production line) (06-07)
  I am intereseted in a bread production line. I need especific productions acuote
[PK] [F174994] 巴基斯坦求购面包生产线(full line of producion of bread/ cockies) (03-31)
  dear sir/madam, i have requested for the full line of producion of bread/ cockies/ cerial machinery for the canada. i am newly in the business and want setup in canada. i would like to know complete p...
[GE] [F159188] 格鲁吉亚求购面包生产线(bread production line) (03-05)
  Could you please send me quotation for bread prodution line with capacity 20000Kg /day?
[BD] [F153445] 孟加拉国求购自动面包生产线(Complete Automatic Bread Factory line) (02-24)
  Dear Sir, Pleased to inform you that one of our client interested to set-up a complete automatic bread factory and searching for used plant. The information of bread project: Capacity pe...
[IR] [F148656] 伊朗求购面包生产线(bread production line) (02-14)
  Could you please send me quotation for bread prodution line with capacity 20000Kg /day?

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