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stationery buyer & importer

[JM] [F726270] 牙买加求购通讯本和办公家具(Stationery And Office Furniture) (04-09)
  Stationery And Office Furniture,Office Chairs Stationery items and Office furniture (desks, chairs, filing cabinets)
[AR] [F724734] 阿根廷求购办公文具(Stationery And Office) (03-28)
  Send by air mail catalogue Send by e-mail.quote prices all products To indicate prices FOB To indicate delivery time To indicate the condition of Payment Answer urgent Best regards
[TR] [F724731] 土耳其求购文具(Stationery) (03-28)
  Surface of the materials should be fit to 2-colour print. The set includes a stapler, a cellotape case, a letter opener a scissor and a punch.
[IN] [F724686] 印度求购文具(stationery) (03-28)
  We are the stationery sellers and we need the latest updates of any stationery products related to our needs.
[RU] [F724654] 俄罗斯求购办公用品(Office Supplies, Stationery) (03-28)
  Searching for wide range of stationeries and office supplies. In the lowest price segment. P.S. Please, answer to my email.
[LK] [F724534] 斯里兰卡求购文具(Stationery) (03-27)
  we ar a company manufacturing ball point & gel ink pens. We are looking forward to supply all office& school stationery products under our brand own name to our existing clients, who buy our pens. We ...
[IN] [F724484] 印度求购文具(Stationery) (03-27)
  We are interested in buying latest stationery products. Kindly contact us if you have quality and innovative products.
[VN] [F724454] 越南求购办公用品和文具(office supplies and stationery) (03-27)
  Dear Mister or Madam, We are opening a new office supplies and stationery shop in TP Ho Chi Minh and we are looking for a wholesaler in vietnam to be our supplier. Feel free to contact us and sen...
[US] [F724386] 美国求购文具(Stationery) (03-27)
  Writing pad, staples, copy paper, paper clips, rubbers, batteries, file folders
[ID] [F722271] 印度尼西亚求购文具类产品(stationery) (03-12)
  stationery ,crafts,gift
[PH] [F721986] 菲律宾求购文具用品(stationery) (03-06)
[RU] [F721984] 俄罗斯求购文具类产品(stationery) (03-06)
[HK] [F721980] 香港求购文具类产品(stationery) (03-06)
[US] [F721974] 美国求购文具用品(stationery) (03-06)
[TW] [F721964] 台湾求购文具用品(stationery) (03-06)
[IN] [F721962] 印度求购文具用品(stationery) (03-06)
[US] [F721960] 美国求购文具用品(stationery) (03-06)
[VN] [F721953] 越南求购文具用品(stationery) (03-06)
  ATA Co., Ltd Ho Chi MinhLe Trung Nghia 84-08-8110929 84-08-2939193
[US] [F721950] 美国求购文具用品(stationery) (03-06)
[IN] [F721940] 印度求购文具用品(stationery) (03-06)

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