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[CO] [F926412] 哥伦比亚求购挤奶设备(milking machine) (11-19)
  I'm interested in your Single Cow Milking Machine, Piston-typed Pump, Low-cost, Easy-to-operate . hi.un. saludo desde medellin colombia.estoy interezado en recibir informacion hacerca de un portabl...
[PK] [F154427] 巴基斯坦求购挤奶设备,机器等(Milking Equipment, Milking System, Milking Machine) (02-26)
  Dear Sir, I hope that every thing is going good with you, As we are also a company dealing in Dairy Sector and involve in this business from past 8 Years, we are the dealer and supplier of numerou...

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