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[SI] [F1158515] 斯洛文尼亚求购鲜花自动售货机(flower vending machine) (03-16)
  Hello! I am interested in your flower vending machine. Please, send me some more informations.Thanks in advance
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[US] [F154552] 美国求购鲜花自动售货机(Vending Machines, Small Item, 4 or more selection wanted) (02-26)
  Am looking to purchase 10-100 units of vending machines with the capabilities of selling energy drinks, toiletries, condoms and similar sized items. with the following capabilities * 4 or more s...
[US] [F154551] 美国求购鲜花自动售货机(Flower Vending Machine) (02-26)
  Interested in a flower vending machine. Takes cash and credit cards/bank cards. Prints receipts. Refrigerated for quality of flowers including water availability.

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