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[SA] [F1008468] 沙特阿拉伯求购分拣硬币分类机(Sorting Use coin sorter) (10-18)
  Hi, we are from Saudi Arabia. we supply banks with counting machines and now we have request for coins counting and sorting machines. pleaseme all datasheets with prices Regards,
[IN] [F297826] 印度求购分类机(4 THP Paddy Seed Grader) (02-14)
  Detailed Description Hi, I am looking for a 4TPH(Wheat Basis) Grader for paddy seed processing. Please provide me with the quotation for the same. Thanks
[SG] [F217765] 新加坡求购分类机(SGD Coin Counter & Sorter Machine) (06-25)
  Ambient humidity: 30-80% Hopper capacity: 350-400 units Each receiving slot capacity: 80-250 units Counting speed: 216units.min Batch preset number display: 3 Digits LED Counting number display: 4 Dig...
[UK] [F169909] 英国求购分类机(sorting machine) (03-22)
  Pulses,Cereal & Seed Colour sorting machine Dear Sir,Madam We look for colour sorting machines in order to use grain and pulses products.If you may send us your machine details including price ,...

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