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[NO] [F1002407] 挪威求购水下摄像机的光学用途和玻璃材料玻璃圆顶(Optical Usage and Glass Material glass dome for underwater camer) (08-09)
  Sample Purchase|采购数量: 1 Pieces 发布地点:Norway We are looking for BK7 glass dome for ROV/underwater camera. Dimension should be 120-150mm diameter and should be used for around 500m deep. If this can ...
[US] [F692173] 美国求购水下摄像机(underwater cameras) (03-29)
  Looking to buy underwater cameras for finding fish, buy in bulk.
[DE] [F555347] 德国求购三角视觉高清水下摄像机(Delta Vision HD - Underwater video camera) (11-14)
  Dear Sirs, We are about to launch our new webshop mid of November (blick-store), that is dedicated to all kind of private Video usage application and your product line looks interesting to us. We a...
[ES] [F208006] 西班牙求购水下摄像机(under water camera from china) (06-10)
  i take care of promotional order for our european market.i have a very nice possible promotional order of 400.000 pcs under water cameras, it doe not matter the model, but our target price is around u...
[US] [F179966] 美国求购水下摄像机(underwater cameras and 35mm camera) (04-13)
  we are looking for quantities of closeout underwater 35mm reusable cameras and reusable 35mm cameras. must be low united states coaquarian concepts add: 150 s. church st, add: ison, illin...

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