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[PH] [F939487] 菲律宾求购灭火器(Fire Extinguishers) (07-01)
  want to refill co2 fix marine
[EG] [F939486] 埃及求购灭火器(Fire Extinguishers) (07-01)
  I'm interested in your dry chemical powder 1.A MUTIL-FUCTION GOOD AGENT FOR EXTINGUISHING 2.GOOD EFFECTIVE ON FIRES OCCURED BY GLASS A, GLASS B ,GLASS C , get 10 tons MDI 4,4 powder chemical pr...
[MY] [F939482] 马来西亚求购灭火器(Fire Extinguishers) (07-01)
  MT3 CO2 FIRE EXTINGUISHER-1129 Non-contaminating Odorless Gas in Portable Design MFTZL25 ABC FIRE EXTINGUISHER-1117 40% ABC Dry Powder Smooth-welded Cylinder without Scratching, Grain, Burrs, Trol...
[IR] [F939480] 伊朗求购灭火器(Fire Extinguisher 9LTR) (07-01)
  Stainless Steel Fire Extinguisher 9LTR how much does a peas of FOB extinguisher cost, if i want to receive them in Bandar Abbas seaport-Iran? and please let me know how can I order?
[ZM] [F939479] 赞求购灭火器(Fire Extinguishers MFZL12) (07-01)
  ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers (MFZL12),please would like price for 9kg dry powder extinguisher
[US] [F939478] 美国求购灭火器(Fire Extinguishers MFZL3 ABC) (07-01)
  I'm interested in your extintor MFZL3 ABC 1.40% ABC dry powder 2.Cylinder W/smooth welding, W/O scratching, grain, burrs 3.Brand product,high quality,competitive price To whom, We are actually ...
[BR] [F939473] 巴西求购灭火器(Fire Extinguishers MFZL12) (07-01)
  ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers (MFZL12),please would like price for 9kg dry powder extinguisher.
[VN] [F937363] 越南求购灭火器(Fire extinguisher) (05-11)
  Dear Sir or Madam! I am Hang from Hanoi Computer & Communication Jsc ( HCcorp ) in Vietnam. I having a project about Fire extinguisher. I want to buy your products. Can you plz send me the Quota...
[PH] [F916767] 菲律宾求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  Im interested to import empty cylinder for fire extinguisher can you send me a lowest price of yours? how many is the minimum order? kindly send to by the way send also all of product you carry. thank...
[QA] [F916766] 卡塔尔求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  We want to know more about your Bladder Tank Foam suppression system and, therefore, please let us have more information / datasheets including pricing information. Thanks and Best Regards,
[SN] [F916764] 塞内加尔求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  we need quotation for 500 pcs of sprinklers head 1/2" brass
[AE] [F916763] 阿联酋求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  am interested to know more about the FM200 and CO2 extinguishing system you have please provide me with data sheet and prices.
[NG] [F916762] 尼日利亚求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  I'm Interesting in your CONCEALED SPRINKLERS FUSIBLE ELEMENT METAL SPINKLER DRACTIVE HEAD SIZE: r1/2" R 3/4" BULB : 57c,68c,93c,5MM BULB PLATE :57C, 74C 50PCS/CTNS Hello I am so excited that I ...
[US] [F916761] 美国求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  I'm Interesting in your WOFU FIRE & SECURITY EQUIPMENT CO LTD Interested in urgent purchase, is there discount if make big order?
[AE] [F916760] 阿联酋求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  Good Day, We are a leading service provider in UAE at lifeboat, Davit, liferaft, Marine Fire & Gas Equipment maintenance & load testing in Marine industry. We are looking forward to be an agent of ...
[US] [F916759] 美国求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  Hello, We are interested in your product fire extinguishi. Please reconfirm your product detail and include your terms in your respond.
[EG] [F911695] 埃及求购灭火器(Fire extinguisher refilling) (04-10)
  We are Saudi company and we open new branch at Egypt at the Field Of Feasibility Studies for all kinds of industrial companies and we wish to Cooperation with you and make for you marketing for all yo...
[UK] [F907078] 英国求购灭火器(fire extinguishers) (02-28)
  all types of fire extinguishers and spare parts
[US] [F903436] 美国求购灭火器(Fire extinguisher) (12-24)
  Dear Sir/Madam, I write to inform you that we are interested in your products. Please kindly send us your catalog. And we would like to inquire about the following: *Minimum Order Quantity *Yo...
[DZ] [F902933] 阿尔及利亚求购灭火器(Fire extinguisher) (12-16)
  i Would like to have details regarding  copper heads extinguisher (prices).

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