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salt buyer & importer

[RO] [F54309] 罗马尼亚求购食盐(Salt) (12-18)
  We are from Romania and we are interested in importing SALT. The specifications for the recrystallized table salt we are interested in are as follows
[VN] [F51628] 越南求购盐(salt (NaCl)) (11-15)
  we would like to purchase salt (NaCl) for processing with quantity is 50 ton per month. We are expecting you to contact us if you have a good price and better items to offer. We are waiting to h...
[IQ] [F46211] 伊拉克政府求购食盐, 砂糖(salt, sugar) (09-15)
  Dear Sir, We are glad to read from you and we appreciate your efforts towards the re-construction of Iraq . However, you should note that this is an invitation from the Ministry of Finance & Nat...

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