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Paper Lantern buyer & importer

[NL] [F1246934] 荷兰求购灯笼(paper lantern) (09-09)
  we are looking for 30cm paper lanterns, no light or handle.Just the lanterns,25pcs red 25pcs green 25pcs goldNeed them delivered in 1 week in the netherlands. So air transport , I guess?
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[FR] [F1175571] 法国求购布艺圆形纸灯笼(Fabric Round Paper Lantern) (08-24)
  I would like a quote for 2000 pcs - 4 inches - air shipping to Paris - please
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[SG] [F1135300] 新加坡求购中国纸灯笼(chinese paper lantern) (07-08)
  Hi, I would like to have the quote for 3,000 pcs of plain colored chinese paper lantern (30cm) for children to do painting.The lantern material must have sustainably-sourced certification (like FSC) o...
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[BE] [F1014526] 比利时求购纸灯笼(paper lantern) (01-02)
  Hi,I'm interested in your product festival decoration honeycomb ball paper lantern 500 pieces
[TH] [F658174] 泰国求购纸灯笼(Buy Paper Lantern) (05-04)
  We looking for round lantern, where we can put a candle (tea candle) in it. The lantern must be able to hung up (should come with a hook). Material: Paper with a slight transparency so the light o...
[PK] [F369974] 巴基斯坦求购灯笼(paper lantern) (06-06)
  We are looking for 200 paper lantern Please provide me total price detail of shipping color varies that you supply
[HK] [F290675] 香港求购纸灯笼(paper lantern) (12-16)
  all styles of paper lanterns with individual battery case. order quantity 4000-10000pcs. very stable orders. please send photos or catalogue to our e m ail.

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