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Neoprene Sheet buyer & importer

[TH] [F1056891] 泰国求购氯丁橡胶片20毫米(Neoprene sheet 20 mm) (10-18)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is GeorgWolff from SG. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: We need a quotation for Neoprene (CR) Elastomere Pads 20 mm thick, 60 ShA, 400 mm width , 4,...
[UK] [F677018] 英国求购氯丁橡胶(Buy Neoprene Sheet) (09-13)
  Neoprene cut to our size and shape with polyester fabric bonded to the and a polyester wide mesh fabric bonded to the back.
[TH] [F247510] 泰国求购氯丁橡胶板(Neoprene Sheet) (08-26)
  I am looking for neoprene sheet w*l = 1-2m * 10-20 m, thickness of 10-20 mm. We will use as insulation purpose. Pls give me info (especially thermal conductivity) and price.

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