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CITRATE buyer & importer

[PT] [F397686] 葡萄牙求购柠檬酸盐(citrate) (11-06)
  Description:Quantity:first order 1.5 g Quality Standards: Packing: 30 x 50 mg Place of Origin: Purity: Standard: : We develop analytical test kits. We are interested in buying citrate lyas...
[LU] [F383174] 卢森堡求购柠檬酸盐(citrate) (08-22)
  Dear Sir, would you please answer the following two questions: 1- would you please send me the bach analyse certificate of your strontium citrate? 2- my company would like to use it for medical ...
[JM] [F383172] 牙买加求购柠檬酸盐(citrate) (08-22)
  I am Kadeem Scott, I work for a nutraceutical company; Bio-Tech R&D Institute Ltd. I am inquiring about your magnesium citrate I would like to know the minimum quantity and cost. I would also like a s...
[US] [F190238] 美国求购柠檬酸盐(CITRATE) (05-06)
  My name is Derek Dorrien and I work for the US Army Crime Lab. We routinely analyze lotions and was hoping to procure a standard of this material as a reference.

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