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[RU] [F1164356] 俄罗斯求购高分子材料(Polymeric materials) (05-12)
  Primary materials: 1. Low-pressure polyethylene brand Kazpelen 277 and analogues - from 80 to 150 tons per month. 2. Polypropylene brand Kaplen 01030 and analogues - up to 60 tons per month. 3. Polypr...
[IL] [F1143115] 以色列求购高分子材料(Polymers) (10-11)
  Dear Sirs and Ladies We are one of the leading importers and distributors of Polymers in Israel for decades. Please offer with data sheet and name of the producer. Israel imports 200,000 tons a year o...
[US] [F883506] 美国求购高分子材料(High Polymer material) (05-09)
  I am an importer from the USA looking to buy dental floss supplies like High Polymer material. Do you have any? If so looking for different colors: blue/white/pink. Please advice if you have an...
[UZ] [F741874] 乌兹别克斯坦求购高分子材料(Polymer Material) (09-10)
  Buy Polymer Material The company is interested in purchasing of polymer materials such as: ABS, PP, PA 66 15% GFR, LDPE on constant base.
[HK] [F195184] 香港求购高分子材料(teflon material) (05-18)
  hello! I am an importer, you want to teflon materials,hope to have interested friends and contact us. Thanks!

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