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[US] [F877283] 美国求购金属箍(ferrules) (02-25)
  Hi, I\'m looking for ferrules. I did see it on your picture. Where do you measure the size of the ferrule; on the threaded part or the end part? Please provide a quote with delivery to US. Also do you...
[PR] [F370173] 波多黎各求购金属箍(Ferrule) (06-07)
  Product name: Ferrule Country: Puerto Rico Posted Date: 06-06-2013 Expiry Date: 04-09-2013 Details: Hi I am interested in buying ferrules can you tell me the prices of 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 1 inch and 1...
[AU] [F196518] 澳大利亚求购金属箍(aglet) (05-21)
  I am not actually looking for the shoelace itself, but the aglet (the shoelace tip). I cannot find them anymore and I need a lot of them. I would for them to be available in different colors, but any ...

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