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boutique buyer & importer

[ZW] [F1073014] 津巴布韦求购奢侈品(Boutique) (03-04)
  I represent C & Z Boutique in Zimbabwe.I am looking for contact details so that I send our requirements for bedsheets,linen,hospital blankets,towels and other products that you offer for our business.
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[US] [F917064] 美国求购精品礼物(Boutique) (06-09)
  I am looking to purchase the above listed items for my womens boutique shop. The faux look alike designer bags I only sell as look alike and do no sell them as the real thing. I have a steady client b...
[US] [F36496] 美国求购酒店用品(boutique) (04-26)
  I am opening up a boutique in Burlington, Washington and am searching for some retailers to go through. Could you please get back to me with pictures of your line?

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