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[SG] [F135566] 新加坡求购手机电池(mobile phone battery) (12-25)
  I'm in the market to buy portable iphone 3 & 4 batteries. Pls send me your products for consideration. Pls include pictures of the battery, the retail packaging , quote and warranty offered. Pls be sp...
[SG] [F135565] 新加坡求购手机电池(mobile phone battery) (12-25)
  battery for senior phone, around 1000mAh, good quality.
[LK] [F115907] 斯里兰卡求购手机电池(Cell Phone Batteries) (11-23)
  We are looking for a good quality mobile phone battery.Nokia copy and other brands OK..Should be able to prove the quality by the supplier.As the most Chinese cell phone batteries are of poor quality ...
[PK] [F115900] 巴基斯坦求购诺基亚手机电池(battery for nokia) (11-23)
  i want to purchase nokia bl-5c 1100mah batteries for 100 as a sample then further contect with your to next big order but after this deal. i hope you will do necessary action in my regadr. thank...
[UK] [F115895] 英国求购手机电池(Phone Batteries) (11-23)
  I'm looking for a supply of all modern mobile phone batteries for Nokia, Samsung, LG, Eriksson etc
[CA] [F101680] 加拿大求购手机电池(Mobile Phone Battery) (11-11)
  "I am looking for mobile phone batteries for these specific models: Mobile Phone Models "
[US] [F100755] 美国求购手机电池,充电器(mobile batteries, ac adapter) (10-13)
  We are inquiring about mobile batteries and mobile ac adapters. Mobile batteries such as Motorola BR56 & Blackberry CS2. We are emailing all suppliers to make sure to get the best price. Thank ...
[IT] [F100291] 意大利求购手机电池(mobile battery) (09-22)
  for mobile phone ZTC-ZT999 Seeking Li-ion batteries GB/T18267-2000 - 3.7 V-6800 (or more)mAh- not find in Italy. Can you tell me where to buy replacement batteries? thanks Best Regards Ing. Giusepp...
[PK] [F82180] 巴基斯坦求购手机电池(NOKIA 1200 battery) (04-07)
  Dear Sir. We Need NOKIA 1200 battery & chargers 200 pcs for both battery & charger A Grade
[ES] [F55889] 西班牙求购手机电池(Batteries) (01-19)
  We are looking for Batteries. Batteries, Charger, Motor 20 Volt 20.600 Rpm
[IN] [F47062] 印度求购手机和手机电池(Mobile Phones and Mobile Battrey) (09-25)
  Company Name : Qasima Electronic Watch Industry Inquiry Items: Mobile Phones and Mobile Battrey

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