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[IR] [F182508] 伊朗求购铝材(marine grade aluminums) (04-18)
  dear all, we have an inquiry for marine grade aluminums as followingpos. detailsize (mm) alloy pieces qty (kg) 1 aluminium sheets 2000x6000x30 5083-h321 2 2 aluminium pipe 1 x 3mm 6063 144 3 aluminium...
[TR] [F121105] 土耳其求购铝材(Aluminium Profile) (12-07)
  Finish Profile for parquet - carpet, Sloped-cover strip, Protective - stair edging, Decorative - expantion joint, Skirting board
[AE] [F106838] 阿联酋求购铝材(aluminum) (04-19)
  aluminum requirement and we want to visit your factory if your price is ok
[CA] [F98770] 加拿大求购铝材(aluminium) (08-19)
  aluminium material for building
[IR] [F97153] 伊朗求购铝材(Alumina Material) (07-20)
  dear sir ,do you have alumina materials ?
[IN] [F89566] 印度求购铝材(aluminium) (10-07)
  IMAC Alloy Casting is the largest manufacturer of Aluminium and Zinc based Alloys in South India,we need aluminium materails
[BH] [F84681] 巴林求购铝材(aluminium profile) (06-03)
  We offer to buy aluminium anodized profiles 5,5-6,0 M long for sliding doors. We need these profiles 5.50-6.0-meter long all anodized "gold", "silver", "dark bronze" and "champagne" color. The type of...
[SA] [F67674] 沙特阿拉伯求购铝材(Aluminum) (08-21)
  Wanted urgently Aluminum Ingot (LME registered grade) Al: 99. 7% min SI: 0. 10% max Fe: 0. 20% max Requirement 300MT-500MT per month. Confirmed, 100% at sight LC. Please send us your quote ...
[BY] [F63692] 白俄罗斯求购求购不锈钢和铝材(stainless steel and aluminized steel) (06-18)
  我们是白俄罗斯大型的股份制公司,主要的业务范围是金属卷板。自1993年成立之日起至今,公司逐渐成长为白俄罗斯最大的贸易公司之一拥有员工500余人,有自主的进出口权.公司现阶段的大部分金属卷板进口自俄罗斯,乌克兰,哈萨克斯坦,有时也从芬兰和中国进口.现阶段希望进口不锈钢和铝材资源。有意请与我联系! we want to import stainless steel and aluminized s...
[US] [F51212] 美国求购铝材(Aluminum Products) (11-10)
  Aluminum Products
[IT] [F51142] 意大利求购铝材(Alluminium ACSR Wire) (11-09)
  Dear sir we are interested in these product. 1.Alluminium file (50%,60% or 70%). 2.Alluminium ACSR Wire (50%,60% or 70%).or any type.... 3.Alluminium Insulated cable scrap. 4.Alluminium sandwhic...
[KR] [F47150] 韩国求购铝材(an aluminium wheel of car(KR)) (09-26)
  Looking for an aluminium wheel of car and an accessory of car \* If you can supply me with them, please don't hegitate to contact me.

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