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[PK] [F856706] 巴基斯坦求购轻质活性碳酸钙(activated light calcium carbonate) (07-12)
  Thank you for your reply Yes we need activated light calcium carbonate Pl give the product properties (Physical and Technical), delivery time, FCL load, payment, applications and CIF Karachi Pak...
[BD] [F318151] 孟加拉国求购活性碳酸钙(activated calcium carbonate) (08-22)
  for pvc pipe manufacturing , quality activated calcium . regular need.revert with best rate.
[OM] [F202567] 阿曼求购活性碳酸钙(activated Calcium carbonate (coated, unc) (06-02)
  et me know if you also have the following products with you, which is a different requirement . I hope you will provide me with better prices this time around so that we may be in a position to do...

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