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grain dryer buyer & importer

[PH] [F917854] 菲律宾求购谷物干燥机(grain dryer) (06-24)
  The dryer I have is Manufacture No 011204 - 4 Manufacture date 2012 - 4 If you have others, can you please let me know? Thanks and regards
[IN] [F905966] 印度求购谷物干燥机(grain dryer) (01-27)
  hello , I am from India and we require a grain dryer for a maize to reduce its moisture content . so please quote asap and mail me the details at .
[AU] [F893826] 澳大利亚求购谷物干燥剂(Grain Dryer) (09-12)
  Grain Dryer Mass order quantity: 1 Sets Detailed Description Hello,i need one 10-15ton/day paddy dryer.please offer me best price,thanks. regards Robert
[US] [F824193] 美国求购谷物干燥机(Grain Dryer) (12-12)
  Hello, We are interested in this product below we can buy 5x40ft Await soonest reply.
[UA] [F771730] 乌克兰求购谷物干燥器(Grain dryer) (06-15)
  Grain dryer movabale, , we look for a dryer which can handle small size seeds 2-5 mm. capasity 6 mt per hour. humidity red adj
[IR] [F338772] 伊朗求购谷物干燥机(Grain dryer) (12-12)
  buy Grain dryer Grain dryer movabale, , we look for a dryer which can handle small size seeds 2-5 mm. capasity 6 mt per hour. humidity red adj
[UA] [F202891] 乌克兰求购粮食烘干机(grain dryer) (06-02)
  we look for a grain dryer which can handle small size seeds 2-5 mm. capasity 6 mt per hour

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