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[US] [F895786] 美国求购LED花洒(led shower head) (10-09)
  Hot sale 7 colors change led shower head with good quality Quantity Required: 10 Pieces Detailed Description hello i would like to have formation for 10 samples for check the product, please if...
[IN] [F894657] 印度求购LED花洒(LED Shower Head) (09-25)
  Toto Sanitary Ware--Single Red Color LED Shower Head LD8008-A14 Quantity Required: 1000 Pieces Detailed Description Dear Friend, I am, Mohan Maheshwari, from SWASTIK SANITARIWARES- CHENNAI, IN...
[PL] [F892499] 波兰求购led花洒(LED head shower) (08-30)
  LED showerhead, LED head shower, LED top shower from stainless steel / brass, with 40 / 48 LEDs inserted Quantity Required: 100 Pieces Detailed Description 40 / 48 LED SHOWERHEAD MADE FROM STAINL...
[GR] [F892497] 希腊求购LED花洒(Led shower head) (08-30)
  Led shower head Quantity Required: 1 Pieces Detailed Description Hi , We are import company from Greece and interest about led shower head RGB(change colours depends the temperature). Can you pro...
[CA] [F890146] 加拿大求购LED花洒(LED head shower) (08-08)
  LED showerhead, LED head shower, LED top shower Quantity Required: 200 Pieces Annual Purchase Volume: 1000 Pieces Detailed Description Looking for showerheads with multiple LED lights. Sta...
[GR] [F825870] 希腊求购LED花洒(LED Shower head) (12-21)
  Dear Sir/Madam INS SA is a wholesale company from Greece, which we engaged with sale of sanitary ware and tiles. We are interesting for your products with code SH0311 and SH0306.Please inform us if yo...
[SA] [F247355] 沙特阿拉伯求购LED淋浴头,LED花洒(LED shower head, LED shower) (08-26)
  Dear Mr Have a Nice Day We are water tools company in Saudi Arabia and looking for Led shower head and led Faucet, if you please send to me your price for Container (( round 10,000 Pcs)) , we have ano...
[TH] [F246941] 泰国求购LED淋浴头,LED花洒,水龙头(LED shower head, LED shower , water tap) (08-25)
  I know the price + shipping. Order of 5 pieces.
[IL] [F206461] 以色列求购LED花洒(led shower light) (06-08)
  can you please send me a qoute for the led shower, i would like to know which are the colors.also can you please advise on minumum order quantities and shipping price to israelas well on payment optio...

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