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X-Ray Baggage Scanner buyer & importer

[BD] [F1157349] 孟加拉国求购x射线行李扫描仪(x-ray baggage scanner) (03-04)
  Hello I would send you order.Please send me e-mail address for our order. Please forward us the price quotation for below mentioned products with discount at your earliest convenience- x-ray baggag...
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[CI] [F593076] 科特迪瓦求购行李扫描器(x-ray baggage scanner) (11-14)
  hello dear, i am a private running business security in ivory coast (west africa), and i would a quote for x ray and walk through metal detector scanner the use of the scanner and x-ray walk through...
[MY] [F209695] 马来西亚求购行李扫描器(X-Ray Baggage Scanner) (06-13)
  Please provide prices, brochures and write-outs of your various models. Equipment is intended to be used in military depots. Preferrably with weighing capability. Thank you.

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