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[TW] [F878602] 台湾求购乳胶片(latex sheet) (03-15)
  Dear Sirs, we are looking for latex sheet in 2mm, 3mm in white color to cut for making glove, can you offer? thanks,
[PY] [F409728] 巴拉圭求购乳胶片和橡胶衬里(Latex Sheet and Rubber Lining) (01-05)
  Good day. Me you intereiert product and I would like a price list including shipping up to Concepcion in Paraguay. Estimated quantity per order would be 50 meters in different colors.Thank you for th...
[AE] [F400977] 沙特阿拉伯求购乳胶枕和乳胶片(latex pilow and latex sheet) (11-24)
  Dear sir we need latex pilow and latex sheet please send your product range and price thanks
[AE] [F210761] 阿联酋求购乳胶片(latex sheets) (06-14)
  we are looking for latex sheets of 25mm or 50mm thick with holes in them and the width would vary from 1500mm to 1800mm etc. could you please send us your company details and prices as soon as possibl...

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