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[PH] [F566095] 菲律宾求购CNC机械(CNC) (03-06)
  Dear Sirs, we would like to interest you in the following machine we have for sale. CNC TURBINE BLADE MILLING MACHINE mod. STARRAG NX-255 If you request more information do not hesitate to con...
[RU] [F417347] 俄罗斯求购CNC机械(i'm interested in your lathes) (02-19)
  Dear Sirs, My name is Catherine Sharapova. I am from Russia. I'm writing to you because I'm interested in your product. Our enterprise needs lathes. Could you let me know your e-mail to send the...
[AN] [F413715] 荷兰求购CNC 机械(CNC MACHINES) (01-27)
  Dear sirs, Kindly send us your information and prices for CNC MACHINES 3-4 Axles , and whole turret loaders. We are looking for distributorship in HOLLAND and Germany.
[CZ] [F411717] 捷克求购CNC 机械(CNC machining) (01-16)
  Hello, We are looking for CNC machining manufacture to cutting part from POM material.. If are you interesred on, we can provide STEP model to quote us.. Thank Mr. Matejka
[PK] [F47663] 巴基斯坦求购CNC机械(CNC Machines) (09-29)
  Dear Sir, We are interested in finding a reliable source for CNC Punching, Cutting, Nibbling, etc machines and understand that your company manufactures good quality CNC Machines. Best regards. ...

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