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Solar Power Kits buyer & importer

[ZA] [F905131] 南非求购太阳能包(Solar Power Kits) (01-11)
  We are involved in low-cost housing and are looking for an affordable sysytems for house lights. Do you have a representative in South Africa?
[LY] [F493258] 利比亚求购太阳能灯(solar power kits) (06-15)
  You have many solar products but for my trial order kindly select and suggest your best selling models (hot selling) in each category of solar products please those have strong advantages and can comp...
[ZA] [F213024] 南美求购灯(Solar Power Kits) (06-17)
  We are involved in low-cost housing and are looking for an affordable sysytems for house lights. Do you have a representative in South Africa?

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