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[AU] [F350658] 澳大利亚求购净水剂(Water treatment) (01-16)
  HOW ARE YOU? Its a Priviledge to introduce our company to you, Tianjin from AUSTRALIA we are presently,sourcing for a good and credible supplier of Chemicals and we want the ...
[SA] [F350652] 沙特阿拉伯求购净水剂(Water​ Treatment​chemical) (01-15)
  DEAR SIR, ​ I​ am​ looking​ for​ the​ following​ type​ of​ material​ you​ might​ have​ it​ some​ whereR...
[PK] [F348630] 巴基斯坦求购净水剂(water treatment chemical) (01-09)
  Dear Sir, Hope you are well. ​ Would you be interested in selling your waste water treatment chemicals to Pakistan in a long term exclusive partnership? Hope to hear from you soon, Best Reg...
[IN] [F348234] 印度求购净水剂(Hard chromium plating waste water) (01-08)
  Dear Sir, We are based in India, we need to treat about 300 liters of Hard chromium plating waste water per day. ​ Do you offer any plant (Batch type) / chemicals suitable for such use. Pl...
[CM] [F348188] 喀麦隆求购净水剂(water treatment chemical) (01-08)
  we need the following products, and weights, drums, give us your type of equipment for packaging. and CIF or C & F Douala CAMEROON CENTRAL AFRICA. NB: Below is the list of products and the weight &...
[BD] [F337839] 孟加拉国求购净水剂(BOD,COD Meter) (12-11)
  I'm md. abdur rahim managing director of the rotex international in bangladesh and we deals in many kinds of scientific and industrial laboratory equipment . our company very interest about cod & bod ...
[TZ] [F213280] 坦桑尼亚求购净水剂(Water Treatment Chemicals) (06-17)
  We are seeking best suppliers of Water Treatment Chemical. If you have interests, please contact me ASAP. Wish a long-term cooperation with your honored company! Thanks!

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