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Chemical pumps buyer & importer

[RU] [F1106466] 俄罗斯求购化学泵(chemical pumps) (11-07)
  Hello. Dear Sirs, My name is Alexander. I represent Nafta Technologies, Russia. We have an RFQ for the Semisubmersible chemical pump unit. The medium is Therminol 59. Here are the Questionnaire and in...
[AU] [F713999] 澳大利亚求购泵(Diesel And Chemical Pumps And Flow Meters) (12-07)
  We are interested in a range of 12 volt dc and 24 volt dc pumps and flow meters for Diesel fuel chemicals for the agricultural industries Water Initial quantities may be small but will gr...
[SG] [F662021] 新加坡求购机械(CHEMICAL PUMPS) (05-27)
[US] [F469288] 美国求购化工泵(Chemical Pumps) (11-17)
  Dear Ma/Sir I am francosteve, we are searching for your product, and i'm contacting you to know if your quality is good.. We are interested in buying your quality p...
[VN] [F213417] 越南求购化工泵(Chemical pumps, agitators, ejectors) (06-18)
  Dear Sir, My name is Duong Thanh Hieu, from Nam Viet corporation, VIet Nam. We run our business in fish processing, chemical manufaturing, ferrochrome manufacuring.... We have also list on the Viet Na...

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