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Pipe Couplings buyer & importer

[PK] [F913784] 巴基斯坦求购管接头(pipe Couplings) (04-28)
  pipe Couplings Coupling, 4"; Buna-N Seals Coupling, 6"; Buna-N Seals Coupling, 12"; Buna-N Seals
[ZM] [F214439] 赞比亚求购联合器(Pipe Couplings) (06-20)
  Please Advise F.O.B. Prices & Delivery Of The Following: 1. Pipe Coupling 2", 59mm - 72mm. Qty. 60 2. Pipe Coupling 3", 88mm - 103mm. Qty. 60 3. Pipe Coupling 4", 109mm - 128mm. Qty. 40 4. Pipe Coupli...

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