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[US] [F731961] 美国求购机器部件(Machined Parts) (05-22)
  Please find three drawings *** Drawing numbers 062110 (HOUSING) and Drawing numbers 062111 (HOUSING) and give me the price for 50,000 pieces of each. Plating is Zinc and has to be ROHS compliance. Dr...
[TR] [F691673] 土耳其求购机器部件( Feeder Part) (03-23)
  We are looking for the feeder part for laminating machine / offset printing machine.
[US] [F684470] 美国求购机器部件(Precision Parts, Machined Parts) (12-03)
  Our company, steel city supply is looking for a long-term partnership with a Chinese machining company. Our partner must be able to work with aluminum and stainless steel among other metals. Occasio...
[AU] [F462828] 澳大利亚求购机器部件(amg bodykit) (10-11)
  What is your best price for Mercedes W211 Amg Body Kit-full Set hi there my name is Nick , I'm from Melbourne, Australia and would be interested in importing the e63 amg bodykit. Can I ask how much i...
[TR] [F215252] 土耳其求购机器部件(machenial parts) (06-21)
  in need of various kinds of machenial parts , if you can supply ,pls send me the reasonable quotation.

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