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[MX] [F359556] 墨西哥求购连体服(tank coverall) (03-18)
  Hi I want to know what the price of a tank coverall, and models available that is in 3 xl, in the final price including the cost of shipping to Mexico. Thanks, your attention and wishing you have a...
[DE] [F359553] 德国求购连体服(coverall) (03-18)
  Dear Sir, we have seen your advertisement for white sms coverall with cat 3, typ 5/6 (size: XXL <…). We are interested in importing your products for our type of customer. Our Company is a majo...
[US] [F359404] 美国求购连体服(coverall) (03-18)
  Hello, My name is Eric Wise and my company is Competition Heat Inc. We are a manufacturer of racing products for the racing industry. We need a company to manufacture (sew) a small coverall made fr...
[QA] [F359403] 卡塔尔求购连体服(coverall) (03-18)
  Dear Sir/Madam, Good day. Kindly give me your best price quotation, freight charges and possible delivery schedule for the supply of the following item: ​ Nomex Delta C Coverall Ye...
[SG] [F359390] 新加坡求购连体服(overall) (03-18)
  Sky Blue and White Colour Required Two piece Overall ( Shirt and pants) 1 colour print on front 1 colour print on back
[UK] [F359250] 英国求购连体服(coverall) (03-18)
  We need mecchanics overalls with vintage style in good quality cotton or fire-retardant fabric. ​ If you have MOQ, do not respond
[LR] [F358529] 利比亚求购连体服(overall) (03-08)
  I am work for Alraied Group Shell Libya and would like you to please supply us with a price quote for these overalls. Please check *** file as this will give you the indication of color and logos need...
[MT] [F358376] 马耳他求购连体服(coverall) (03-08)
  we are a Maltese company based in MALTA Europe and we specialise in bespoke uniforms. We have received an enquiry for disposable overalls. If so please provide me with a quote for quantity 1,000 as p...
[SA] [F358292] 沙特阿拉伯求购连体服(nomex coverall) (03-07)
  we are looking for 100% Nomex Cover all with Defrent weght Cloth Blue clore
[BW] [F357873] 博茨瓦纳求购连体服(coverall) (03-04)
  Aircraft technician coveralls light weight Acid proof Flame resistant
[NL] [F357868] 荷兰求购连体服(coverall) (03-04)
  We hereby send you this request for qoutation for appr. 200 coveralls with 2 embroidered logo's.The coveralls should be equal to the KLM brand model OS 8138 and certified according to the EN 470/1, EN...
[AE] [F357864] 阿拉伯求购连体服(nomex coverall) (03-04)
  Looking for a steady supplier for Nomex coverall or fabric. Qty can be 800pcs every 3 months or 2000Pcs per year. Await price, Delivery and stock availibility. Mr. Nihar Hanan
[US] [F357508] 美国求购连体服(coverall) (03-01)
  We need follow coveralls. Heavyweight denim,​ style​ 10-90​ fabric,​ 12oz​ coveralls.​ ​ size​ 42,​ 46,​ 50,​ 52,​ 56.
[SA] [F357220] 沙特阿拉伯求购连体服(coverall) (02-28)
  PLEASE SEND ME​ PRICES​ OF​ COVERALL​ ​ 150,180,AND​ 210​ gms
[OM] [F356901] 阿曼求购连体服(coverall) (02-27)
  Dear we​ are​ traders​ based​ in​ Dubai​ and​ Oman At​ present​ we​ are​ in​ need​ of​ coverall​ and̴...
[OM] [F356889] 阿曼求购连体服(overall) (02-26)
  Good day This​ is​ Mohamed​ Ali​ From​ National​ Raak​ Co​ from​ Oman​ we​ are​ one​ of​ the​ main​ ...
[TT] [F356612] 特立尼岛多巴格求购连体服(coverall) (02-26)
  we are interested​ in​ buying​ work​ wear​ coverall​ in​ shirt​ and​ pants​ only we​ require​ prices​ on​ ​...

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