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vegitable oil buyer & importer

[BD] [F767207] 孟加拉国求购蔬菜油(Vegitable Oil) (05-05)
  Waste Vegitable Oil (Wvo) Conversion Module We are looking for a small scale waste vegitable oil purifier/recycling module to reclaim 2500 liters/week based on 08 hours of operation per day. The outp...
[NG] [F464781] 尼日利亚求购食用油(vegitable oil) (10-21)
  Dear Sir/Madam, We got your company information through an exhaustive search over the INTERNET. We have been contacted by the Chairman of NUMMTA (A GROUP OF DISTRIBUTORS OF MANY ITEMS IN A NEWLY BUIL...
[US] [F318712] 美国求购植物油(Vegitable Oil) (08-27)
  I would like to buy used cooking vegitable oil. 1. Please Provide SPEC.
[UK] [F216831] 英国求购植物油(vegitable oil) (06-24)
  We are buyers of refined vegetable sunflower cooking oil, the oil must be suitable for cooking and human consumption. We required 10 -12, ft/ month. If you have stock, please write to us!

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