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[RU] [F803878] 俄罗斯求购道路和索道用金属护栏(Road And Fence With A Metal Cable) (03-24)
  ООО "ЛУЧ" shopped roads and cable companies with a metal fence, please provide China with technical specifications and other information products. You are interested contact the Chinese company with t...
[IE] [F752471] 爱尔兰求购金属护栏(Metal Fence Panels) (12-23)
  Metal Fence Panels Looking for professional supplier of metal fence panels
[RU] [F105085] 俄国求购金属护栏(metal fences) (03-05)
  Dear sir/madam. I represent one of the biggest Russian security companies, which is looking for reliable Chinese supplier of metal fences. Our representatives will be in Beijing in the end ...
[FR] [F47906] 法国求购金属护栏(metal fencing) (10-02)
  We are looking for manufacturers of metal fencing to be used for both residential and commercial projects. We are interested in importing into France and the products must meet all European stand...

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