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[707条. 页码 34/36]

[BW] [107693] 博茨瓦纳求购计算机(Computers) (05-23)
  Buy Hewlett-Packard, Acer and Lenovo computers
相关买家: 计算机; Computers;
[BW] [107036] 博茨瓦纳求购全自动衣架制造机(Automatic Wire Hanger Making Machine) (04-26)
  looking for automatic hanger making machine suppliers and manufacturers
相关买家: 衣架;
[BW] [107035] 博茨瓦纳求购女士手包(Handbag) (04-26)
  handbags for suppliers and manufacturers
相关买家: 女士手包; Handbag;
[BW] [106297] 博茨瓦纳求购蘑菇大棚(White Mushroom Houses) (04-02)
  Buy a high-tech production of white mushroom houses
相关买家: 蘑菇;
[BW] [106296] 博茨瓦纳求购运动鞋(Sports Shoes) (04-02)
  I need the Sports shoes,can you please advise the prices ?
相关买家: 运动鞋; Sports Shoes;
[BW] [105566] 博茨瓦纳求购打印机(printer) (03-17)
  want to buy the printer
相关买家: 打印机; printer;
[BW] [105460] 博茨瓦纳求购翻新推土机(Renovation bulldozer) (03-15)
  I need to buy the Renovation bulldozer,with rubber wheels.
相关买家: 推土机; Renovation bulldozer;
[BW] [105459] 博茨瓦纳求购计算机打印机(Computer and Printer) (03-15)
  Dear sir,I want to purchase the computer and printer for big quantity,can you send me your pricelist ?
相关买家: 打印机; Computer;
[BW] [104511] 博茨瓦纳求购护栏围护网(fencing) (01-27)
  Hi Can you make this : Horizontal slates is: angle iron 40mm x 40mm x 2mm Posts is: squere tube 75mm x 75mm x 2mm Pales is: 54mm x 2mm ...
相关买家: fencing; 护栏围护网;
[BW] [104367] 博茨瓦纳求购香水(Perfume) (01-21)
  I'm from Botswana so i'm interested in companies that sell perfumes so that I can buy and sell in my country but I would like to buy real ones. I mean original perfumes not the fake ones. The same qua...
相关买家: Perfume; 香水;
[BW] [103405] 博茨瓦纳求购编织袋制造机(Knitting Bag Making Machine) (12-28)
  I need this machine to make the bag,pls let me know your prices.
相关买家: 编织袋;
[BW] [103211] 博茨瓦纳求购建筑设备(Construction equipment) (12-23)
  I am interested in Construction equipment products.
相关买家: Construction equipment; 建筑设备;
[BW] [102562] 博茨瓦纳求购家用扫帚和工业用刷(Household&Industrial Broom) (12-04)
  We have a buying need,household and industrial broom.
相关买家: 扫帚;
[BW] [102237] 博茨瓦纳求购土豆种植农业生产设备(Machine For Planting Potato) (11-24)
  I need that machine to plant the potato,can you make ?
[BW] [102232] 博茨瓦纳求购铅笔/粉笔制造机(Making Machine For Pencil And Chalk) (11-24)
  Hello,I need the machine to make the pencil and chalk,pls send me your details.
相关买家: 粉笔制造机;
[BW] [101703] 博茨瓦纳求购铝管产品(Aluminum pipes produccts) (11-12)
  am interested in Aluminum pipes produccts 25mm to 100 mm outside diameter. 3mm thicknes and 2m to 6m meter lengths 100 quantity Please respond to the buyer quickly as this will improve your cha...
[BW] [101676] 博茨瓦纳求购电子保安系统(Electric Security System) (11-11)
  our company want to buy the security system.,
相关买家: 电子保安系统; Electric Security System;
[BW] [101053] 博茨瓦纳求购变压器(Transformer) (10-21)
  dear sir,our company is about to buy the transformer,please let me knmow whether you can supply.
相关买家: 变压器; Transformer;
[BW] [100980] 博茨瓦纳求购驴肉(Donkey Meat) (10-19)
  I need donkey meat,please contact me.
相关买家: Donkey Meat; 驴肉;
[BW] [100867] 波扎纳求购格法玻璃(sheet glass) (10-15)
  hie i am looking to order a container shipment of clear and obscure glass 3mm,4,5,6,6.38shutterproof,10mm and 4mm obs,5mm,bronze, 4mm mirror,5mm mirror,6mm mirror silver can i get the cif ...
相关买家: 格法玻璃; sheet glass;
页码: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
[1-20] [21-36]
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