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[DK] [641127] 丹麦求购汽车音响(car audio) (02-20)
  pls.mail me back ASAP, i am looking for your car dvd player, pls give to me FOB price. thanks. Yanni.
相关买家: car audio; 汽车音响;
[DK] [640164] 丹麦求购抗氧化剂(antioxidants) (02-16)
  Thank you very much for your kind e-mail, I am very happy to hear from you and look forward to do business with you. We are looking for supplying antioxidants for food and cosmetics, specialising...
相关买家: antioxidants; 抗氧化剂;
[DK] [639953] 丹麦求购沙滩车(ATV) (02-16)
  We want to buy your ATV and dirtbike . Do they meet EEC approvals ? Please also advice if you are manufactures or only trade organization. Enclosed we send some info about Markis. Please also not...
相关买家: ATV; 沙滩车;
[DK] [639274] 丹麦客户求购带立体声喇叭的枕头(Pillow With Build In Stereo Loudspeakers) (02-14)
  We are looking for a pillow with build in stereo loudspeakers for connection of a MP3 player
相关买家: Pillow; 枕头;
[DK] [639171] 丹麦求购再生袋(Regenerated bags in black and transperant) (02-13)
  I am interested in buying the following: LDPE regenerated sacks on rolls, full containerload delivery: Black regeneraetd Transparent regenerated White regenerated 700x1100x0.045mm, 10p...
相关买家: Regenerated bags; 再生袋;
[DK] [638973] 丹麦求购定位销(Dowel Pins, Furniture Parts) (02-12)
  We are looking for supplier of dowel pins for use in the furniture industry. Please inform: Type of wood. Humidity Type of dowel ( multi grooved or spiral grooved ) Please offer 20' containe...
相关买家: 定位销; Dowel Pins;
[DK] [638384] 丹麦客户求购放映机(Party Light / Projector) (02-09)
  We are a danish company. We are looking for the prat light, holiday projectors. It will be good if your projector has the function of text dispaly.
相关买家: 放映机;
[DK] [637798] 丹麦求购婴儿用品 (Buy Baby Hand & Foot Clay) (02-04)
  Buy Baby Hand & Foot Clay We are a danish trading company. We are looking for the baby hand&foot clay with frame. Please send me your quotation list.
相关买家: 婴儿用品;
[DK] [636064] 丹麦求购办公用品(small atelier with lamps ) (01-18)
  Dear sir, we are looking for a small atelier with lamps to offer to companies in order to enable them to make their own product photo pictures.
相关买家: 办公用品; small atelier with lamps;
[DK] [635828] 丹麦求购打印机(Buy Printers) (01-17)
  Looking to buy: Q1515A x 10 Q1518A x 30 Q1522A x 50 311583-B21 x 20 311584-B21 x 20 Plus more IBM server options, pls. Quote.
[DK] [635686] 丹麦求购收音机(Radio) (01-17)
  Smp a/S is a danish distributor looking for all kind of dab products to distribute on the danish market.
[DK] [635425] 丹麦浴室附件买家(accessories for the bathroom) (01-16)
  the largest Danish dealer in accessories for the bathroom, sun screening and window decoration
[DK] [635253] 丹麦求购塑料皂盒,浴室塑料用品 (01-16)
[DK] [635251] 丹麦求购厨房电器,厨房称 (01-16)
[DK] [635248] 丹麦求购计算机产品,钟表产品 (01-16)
[DK] [635244] 丹麦求购液晶显示器,电缆,video/audio产品及其配件 (01-16)
[DK] [635242] 丹麦求购炊具,灶具,刀具,不锈钢灶台等 (01-16)
[DK] [635237] 丹麦求购家用电器,搅拌机,咖啡机,电吹风,电剃刀,等 (01-16)
[DK] [635234] 丹麦求购收音机,手工品,以及其他小礼品 (01-16)
[DK] [635226] 丹麦求购沙滩车(ATV) (01-16)
页码: 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
[1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100]
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