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[HN] [1273409] 洪都拉斯求购电动货梯(Lift Electric Freight Elevator) (02-26)
  Can you quote the model with wire cables for one ton capacity, two stories? send to any port in Honduras, FOB. Trial unit. We build elevators in Honduras.Thank you
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相关买家: 电动货梯; Lift Electric Freight Elevator;
[HN] [1269348] 洪都拉斯求购5 UDA单点称重传感器500kg(5 UDA Single Point Load Cell 500kg) (02-08)
  hello i need purchase 5 UDA Single Point Load Cell 500kg please send quote to Output: Analog SENSOR Material: Aluminum Capacity: 50kg to 1t Out-wire: 4-wire Application: Big size platform scale,...
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相关买家: 称重传感器; Load Cell;
[HN] [1259457] 洪都拉斯求购液晶显示屏(LCD Display Screen) (12-08)
  I need 24 units 43-inch projection screen. With OS support Android or compatible. Include Whiteboard with 50 write latency Milliseconds or less. Include web conferencing capability. Capacity for In...
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[HN] [1259329] 洪都拉斯求购涂料机(self-propelled thermoplastic painting machine) (12-02)
  deseo tener el precio de la maquina de pintar en termoplastico, autopropulsada, ademas necesito informacion de las calderas para calentar el termoplastico, precios de los materiales y precios CIF san...
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[HN] [1255119] [有图]洪都拉斯求购休闲连衣裙(customized long-sleeve shirts) (11-06)
  We are looking to purchase customized long-sleeve shirts for women. These shirts will be used for a sports event and need to have specific features to ensure comfort and performance. Product specific...
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相关买家: 休闲连衣裙; long-sleeve shirts;
[HN] [1254883] 洪都拉斯求购废薄膜(film scrap) (11-06)
  I’m interested in thermo/LDPE. I have the machine to transform it into pellet.Do you have the MSDS?
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[HN] [1254598] [有图]洪都拉斯求购空调(Air Conditioner) (11-12)
  Necesito un proveedor de aires acondicionados con las características: 200 unidades de 12, 000 BTU refrigeración Gas R410 de 220 voltios 60 unidades de 18, 000 BTU refrigeración Gas R410 de 220 vo...
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相关买家: 空调; Air Conditioner;
[HN] [1254197] 洪都拉斯求购木盒(wood box) (11-04)
  Need Wooden boxes for wine and gifts
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相关买家: 木盒; wood box;
[HN] [1252756] 洪都拉斯求购激光管(Laser tube) (10-23)
  25 watt laser tube I want to replace my 25 watt laser tube in my Gravotech LS100EX energy laser machine.
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相关买家: 激光管; Laser tube;
[HN] [1250884] 洪都拉斯求购锂电池充电(Charging Lithium Battery) (10-14)
  Looking for Solar Battery Collector Controller Charging Lithium Battery We are looking to buy battery. Please share the price quotation and also tell us that how to buy this
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[HN] [1249559] [有图]洪都拉斯求购包装纸盒(Luxury Matte Black Paper Packaging Box) (09-29)
  Material: Cardboard covered with paper Box size: 6x9x4 inches Closure: Magnetic closure type Box type: Hinged lid box, folding box, packaging box Logo: Foil stamped, silk-screen printed Usage: Pa...
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相关买家: 包装纸盒; Paper Packaging Box;
[HN] [1246713] [有图]洪都拉斯求购数据线(data cable) (11-19)
  I need fast charging type c usb cable,I need PVC material,cheap price,what model do you have?
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相关买家: 数据线; data cable;
[HN] [1245456] [有图]洪都拉斯求购男士 T 恤(men Polo Shirts For Men) (08-29)
  Keywords: Print Custom T Shirts Logo: Customized Logo Printing Color: Green Gender: Men Women Unisex Product Type: men's t shirts polo Fabric: 100% polyester Size: Custom (30 M, 40 L, 20 XL, 10 ...
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相关买家: 男士T恤; Polo Shirts;
[HN] [1241896] 洪都拉斯求购单向视觉胶片(One Way Vision Film) (08-12)
  Hi, I am looking for a One Way Vision Film in Blue, Green, and Red Colors.
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[HN] [1230079] 洪都拉斯求购笔记本电脑、台式电脑(laptops, deskop, phones,accessories,monitors) (05-17)
  used or refurbished, grade A or Grade B, Looking for laptops, deskop, phones,accessories,monitors
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[HN] [1227412] [有图]洪都拉斯求购塑料捆扎带(plastic strapping) (04-25)
  Hi I like to get a quote for plastic strapping to tight aluminum profile bundles . We need it to be strong and non stretching. please see enclosed picture where we like to replace the steel for pl...
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相关买家: 塑料捆扎带; plastic strapping;
[HN] [1224034] 洪都拉斯求购带蚊帐的卷帘门(Roller door with mosquito net) (03-16)
  Howdy. I am interested in quoting: Roller door with mosquito net different models both cheap and higher quality lines. And all the information, payment method, delivery time. companies have been activ...
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相关买家: 卷帘门; Roller door;
[HN] [1222738] 洪都拉斯求购首饰(Fashionable Jewelry) (03-04)
  Very good. I have own brand of L salasstore.com glasses, and I am interested in starting a project but with men's jewelry, I would like to see your full catalog of necklaces and pendants, and if you h...
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相关买家: 首饰; Fashionable Jewelry;
[HN] [1222164] 洪都拉斯求购重油发电机(HFO GENSETS) (02-28)
  Interested in this item, please provide more information i.e prices, number of engine available, bop available. HFO power plant 18V28/32S
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相关买家: 重油发电机; HFO GENSETS;
[HN] [1221306] 洪都拉斯求购套管(SK 2 bushing) (02-19)
  Hi I need to quote100 SK 2" bushing Yo can contact me But the transaction will be by ***
相关买家: 套管; bushing;
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