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[IS] [710516] 冰岛求购钢笔(Promotional Things) (10-29)
  I need to make contact to facturys or resellers who can sell us pens and other promotion things in small orders
相关买家: 钢笔; Promotional Things;
[IS] [707212] 冰岛求购塑料袋(plastic bags) (09-06)
  Good morning I got a E-mail form ***.com that you are manufacturer of all kinds of plastic bags. I am looking for a T-shirt bags, self-adhesive bags and zip lock bags. Would you please sen...
相关买家: plastic bags; 塑料袋;
[IS] [703044] 冰岛求购灭火器(Fire extinguishers) (07-21)
  Requirements are fulfilled EN3 standards, the CE certification, English
相关买家: Fire extinguishers; 灭火器;
[IS] [703043] 冰岛求购首饰礼品盒(Jewelry Gift Box) (07-21)
  Iceland purchase of a company from China jewelry gift box, material quality, quantity and specifications of links to dwell.
相关买家: Jewelry Gift Box; 首饰礼品盒;
[IS] [703042] 冰岛求购铝合金门窗(Aluminum alloy windows) (07-21)
  Snorri Gudmundsson of Iceland businessmen from China, the purchase of aluminum alloy or aluminum alloy windows cover wooden windows and doors.
相关买家: Aluminum alloy windows; 铝合金门窗;
[IS] [703041] 冰岛求购移动式房屋(Mobile Housing) (07-21)
  Iceland purchase of a company from China with an area of 20 -60 m 2 in steel, plastic or wooden mobile housing, As the summer vacation housing, demand is good quality, ease of transportation and insta...
相关买家: Mobile Housing; 移动式房屋;
[IS] [703040] 冰岛求购白垩饰材(Cretaceous Decorative Materials) (07-21)
  Icelandic businessmen to purchase Guctrun President Cretaceous decorating material from China, can provide products and the demand for drawings
相关买家: 白垩饰材; Cretaceous Decorative Materials;
[IS] [703038] 冰岛求购商品(computer accessories, books,s) (07-21)
  Iceland businessman Bernhard Mr. Jonsson from China to purchase computer accessories, books, clothing, various household products, leather products, etc.
相关买家: books; computer accessories; 商品;
[IS] [703037] 冰岛求购四轮摩托车和液体喷枪(Four motorcycles, and the liquid spray gun) (07-21)
  Iceland foreign purchase of a motorcycle and four liquid spray gun
相关买家: Four motorcycles; 四轮摩托车; the liquid spray gun; 液体喷枪;
[IS] [703036] 冰岛求购建材(Building Materials) (07-21)
  Iceland is one a construction contractor, is the purchase of interior decoration materials, such as brick and cut off, doors and windows.
相关买家: Building Materials; 建材;
[IS] [703034] 冰岛求购木制首饰盒(Wooden jewelry box) (07-21)
  Iceland is a President a painter, is the purchase of a wooden jewelry box 50 above, Bright requirement is the surface and they could be painted jewelry box printed on the surface, the paintings provid...
相关买家: 木制首饰盒; Wooden jewelry box;
[IS] [703033] 冰岛求购玻璃花瓶、花篮、瓷花盆(Glass vases, baskets of flowers and porcelain pots) (07-21)
  Iceland purchase of a flower company from China glass vases, baskets of flowers and porcelain pots, and so on. Demand good quality and reasonable price.
相关买家: baskets of flowers; 玻璃花瓶; 瓷花盆; Glass vases; 花篮; porcelain pots;
[IS] [703032] 冰岛求购儿童游乐玩具(A children's play toys) (07-21)
  Iceland purchase of a restaurant chain from China children's play toys, food will be available on the shop. Size standards and requirements
相关买家: A children's play toys; 儿童游乐玩具;
[IS] [703031] 冰岛求购高档陶瓷工艺品(High-grade ceramic handicrafts) (07-21)
  Iceland purchase of a bank from China high-grade ceramic handicrafts, size, pattern and the need to dwell on prices
相关买家: 高档陶瓷工艺品; High-grade ceramic handicrafts;
[IS] [703028] 冰岛求购汽车排气管和消音器(Automobile exhaust pipe and muffler) (07-21)
  Iceland's largest automobile exhaust pipe and muffler repair and supply companies seeking Chinese suppliers, want to provide the required products.
相关买家: Automobile exhaust pipe; muffler; 汽车排气管; 消音器;
[IS] [703025] 冰岛求购假肢部件(Prosthetic components) (07-21)
  Reykjavik, Iceland in the world-famous prosthetic company to a Chinese partner, Fitting assembly prosthetic components, as follows : 1. Production of stainless steel and aluminum titanium components. ...
相关买家: 假肢部件; Prosthetic components;
[IS] [703024] 冰岛求购镍铁合金磁铁块(Inconel magnet block) (07-21)
  Iceland purchase of a company nickel-iron alloy magnet blocks, the annual demand for 1,200 tons. Magnet block specifications : 300mm X 25mm X 13mm, intensity : 35MGOe
相关买家: Inconel magnet block; 镍铁合金磁铁块;
[IS] [703022] 冰岛求购印制合作(Printed cooperation) (07-21)
  Iceland is a company manufactures a printing vendors, have their own sales outlets. Now seek souvenirs, glassware, memorabilia, T-shirt printing partners. Ice will be responsible for reproduction, the...
相关买家: Printed cooperation; 印制合作;
[IS] [703020] 冰岛求购离子发生器(Plasma Generator) (07-21)
  Iceland purchase of a company in a container ion generator
相关买家: 离子发生器; Plasma Generator;
[IS] [703019] 冰岛求购家具配件(Furniture accessories) (07-21)
  Iceland a company to import furniture accessories and kitchen equipment and supplies within the bathroom
相关买家: Furniture accessories; 家具配件;
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[1-20] [21-21]
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