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[1571条. 页码 79/79]

[LT] [43767] 立陶宛求购玻璃杯(Glass) (08-10)
  I want finde a glass manufactory, for the white bronze decorative glass (and others).
相关买家: 玻璃杯; Glass;
[LT] [43137] 立陶宛求购餐具(plates (dinnerware) for restaurants) (07-31)
  Would like to receive your offers on dinnerware, especially on various types of plates, other items. We are interested in buying these items permanently in different quantities (depending on the ite...
相关买家: 餐具; plates;
[LT] [42698] 立陶宛求购轮胎(TYRES) (07-26)
  Thank you for your e-mail. I'm currently in need of truck and bus tires only in various brands and sizes. > >> I need a price quoted for the following sizes right away: > 315/80R22.5, 295/80R22....
相关买家: 轮胎; TYRES;
[LT] [40114] 立陶宛求购中密度板(MDF) (06-28)
相关买家: MDF; 中密度板;
[LT] [38482] 立陶宛求购展览材料(Scroll display stand ) (05-31)
  Dear Sirs, We are one of the leading outdoor advertising companies in Lithuania and Latvia. Based in year 1994 we grew up to multimillion business with more than 30 key customers database. It抯 our ...
相关买家: Scroll display stand; 展览材料;
[LT] [37980] 立陶宛求购缝纫线(sewing cotton thread) (05-23)
  we nee sewing cotton thread , size of Ne30/2, Ne40/3 and 100% cotton dyed fabric
相关买家: 缝纫线; sewing thread;
[LT] [37659] 立陶宛求购燃油速闭阀(Fuel tank self-closing valve) (05-18)
  *URGENT* 1. Fuel tank self-closing valve ND 25 - 2 compl /with hand hydraulic system for sef-closing/
相关买家: 速闭阀; self-closing valve;
[LT] [33737] 欧洲求购木工用具(wood working tools) (02-07)
  Wood working tools (drills, saws, inserts, cutting knives), wood and furniture accessories and fittings
[LT] [33570] 立陶宛求购钻具,切刀( drills, saws, inserts, cutting knives) (01-26)
  Greetings.. We are looking for suppliers of wood working tools, such as drills, saws, inserts, cutting knives.. We are buying diamond and carbide drills, saws, carbide inserts (knives). If you...
[LT] [33343] 立陶宛求购纸制品(paper ) (01-19)
  we buy paper board,paper ...,please give us best price, we would long business with you.
[LT] [32826] 立陶宛求购木工(wood working tools) (01-09)
  We are looking for suppliers of wood working tools, such as drills, saws, inserts, cutting knives.. We are buying diamond and carbide drills, saws, carbide inserts (knives). If you supply such to...
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[1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-79]
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