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[PY] [39188] 巴拉圭求购螺钉(Bolt) (06-12)
  Dear Here I remit him the order I specify and while waiting for their best commercial offer. BOLT 2 BUTTERFLY DOR. HK. U 40000 BOLT 4 BUTTERFLY DOR. HK. U 40000 BOLT WITH CHAIN U 20000
相关买家: Bolt; 螺钉;
[PY] [34052] 巴拉圭求购玩具(Stuffed Toy) (02-15)
  We look for makers. Stuffed Toys for you scheme cranes (crane machine) these they can be animal of all type (bears, rabbits, chickens, elephants, monkeys, dogs, sheep, etc, etc...) and if some are...
[PY] [33163] 巴拉圭求购小管(Threaded Pipes of PolIpropileno ) (01-16)
  We look for makers of Threaded Pipes of PolIpropileno (PP). We will be while waiting for their comments in the possible.
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