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[SN] [1043994] 塞内加尔求购PPR管(PPR Pipes) (08-06)
  Hello, I am interested in your products please can you get back to me here? I await your soon reply.
相关买家: PPR管; PPR Pipes;
[SN] [1042147] 塞内加尔求购旧轮胎(USED TIRES) (07-30)
相关买家: 旧轮胎; USED TIRES;
[SN] [1042023] 塞内加尔求购包装盒(packaging box) (07-29)
  I am interested after viewing your profile, please can you explain more to me. through my email.
相关买家: 包装盒; packaging box;
[SN] [1040648] 塞内加尔求购鲜橙售卖机(Automated vending,coin operated fresh squeezed orange juice vend) (07-19)
  Hi, I would like to know the price for Automated vending,coin operated fresh squeezed orange juice vending machine. I am interested in buying 1 Sets. Kindly contact us through for details and spec...
相关买家: 鲜橙售卖机;
[SN] [1039661] 塞内加尔求购石膏板生产线(gypsum boards line) (07-15)
  Hello Rocky, I am looking for a complete Production Line capable to make: 1- 2 000 000 square meter / year of gypsum boards 2- Thickness9- 12,5 and 16 mm 3- Dimensions - 1200 mm W x 2000 to 3600...
相关买家: 石膏板生产线; gypsum boards line;
[SN] [1039620] 塞内加尔求购草药香(Herbal Incense) (07-12)
  Dear supplier Am john thomas, i want to make order buy of your product,can you send me your product catalog/website link on i wait your prompt reply,thanks.. regards, john thomas
相关买家: 草药香; Herbal Incense;
[SN] [1038260] 塞内加尔求购HDPE废片(HDPE flakes) (07-02)
  Hi, I’m interested in your product. I would like some more details. I look forward to your reply.
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相关买家: HDPE废片; HDPE flakes;
[SN] [1034580] 塞内加尔求购水泥罐(Steel Material and Truck Trailer Use cement tank) (06-05)
  Good Morning, We are located in senegal, west africa. We are a building company called Teyliom Construction. We want a proforma invoice.in CIF Dakar
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相关买家: 水泥罐; cement tank;
[SN] [1033895] 塞尔维亚求购棉纱(Cotton yarn) (06-03)
  100% Cotton Yarn OE 24/1, 30/1, 36/1 and 40/1 for knitting
相关买家: 棉纱; Cotton yarn;
[SN] [1033487] 塞内加尔求购复印纸(Copy Paper) (05-30)
  Can you send me more information about your Copy Paper, copy paper, A4, 210*297mm?
相关买家: 复印纸; Copy Paper;
[SN] [1032584] 塞内加尔求购快速聚氨酯泡沫B2(rapid polyurethane foam B2) (05-24)
  For testing in Senegalese market with Proven Quality B2 DIN 4102 with 750ml
相关买家: 快速聚氨酯泡沫; rapid polyurethane foam;
[SN] [1029100] 塞内加尔求购铝锭(Aluminium ingot) (04-25)
  Hello, I am looking for Electrolytic zinc ingot99.995%/Aluminium ingot.
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相关买家: 铝锭; Aluminium ingot;
[SN] [1028801] 塞内加尔求购储物柜/架(Storage Cube Shelving) (04-24)
  Hi, I’m interested in the product storage cube shelving I would like some more details. I look forward for your reply. Regards, Fallou Ndiaye This Message is from mobile
相关买家: 储物柜; Storage Cube;
[SN] [1028791] 塞内加尔求购铅锭(Lead Ingot) (04-24)
  Dear business partner, It is nice to write to you. This is Dieugue ka from Senegal. I am interested in adding your 99.94%Pb (Min) 99.99% Dimensions Pure Lead Ingot to my inventory. What is the produ...
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相关买家: 铅锭; Lead Ingot;
[SN] [1028543] 塞内加尔求购HDPE瓶子(hdpe plastic bottles) (04-23)
  Hi Supplier, We are an importing company based in Senegal. Our company is interested to order empty hdpe plastic bottles for nutritional supplements. Here is the informations about the product that ...
相关买家: HDPE瓶子; hdpe plastic bottles;
[SN] [1028008] 塞内加尔求购塑料食品容器(Plastic Material food container) (04-19)
  Dear Sir or Madam, I am a representative of Ikagel, a trade & process fish company based in Senegal since more than 30 years. Actually we are developing a new product, we think that you can help us ...
相关买家: 塑料容器; Plastic container;
[SN] [1025608] 塞内加尔求购废金属(scrap metal) (04-04)
  finding Copper scrap 500mt*12.
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相关买家: 废金属; scrap metal;
[SN] [1024031] 塞内加尔求购千斤顶(bottle Jacks) (03-26)
  Good day Kindly send me an urgent quote on the follwing item:   2Ton-100 Ton bottle Jacks.   Regards
相关买家: 千斤顶; bottle Jacks;
[SN] [1021904] 塞内加尔求购狐狸坎肩(fox vest) (03-12)
  Hi , This is from mega trust and co.limited, Our company has been in United States for years. Can you provide me with more information regarding the product? I would appreciate it if you can reply ...
相关买家: 狐狸坎肩; fox vest;
[SN] [1021609] 塞内加尔求购锌锭(zinc ingot) (03-11)
  Hi Please contact us via : We have gone through your website and we are interested in your products. We want to make a large order for long term import. Please provide us with the following inf...
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相关买家: 锌锭; zinc ingot;
页码: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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