Global Buyer Inquiry |
236885 [AU]
澳大利亚求购TFT显示器(TFT display) |
We are looking for a TFT display with the following specification: 1. Size: 3.2" or similar 2. Maximum Width (length): 80mm 3. Maximum possible ESD protection. Our desired range is 15 kV Air discharge and 8 kV direct connect discharge 4. Industrial thermal range of -30C ~ +70C. 5. Viewing angel of vertical 15 from centre of display and horizontal 10 , 6. Interface to microcontroller: Parallel/RGB/SPI 7. Preferred Operating voltage of display: 3.3V 8. Preferred Operating voltage of back light LED: 3.3V 9. Preferred Resolution: 320x240 10. Preferred cable end connection: Connector rather than flat cable 11. Possibility of having touch screen is an advantage.
Post date 7-29, value member points ?