Buying full factory to produce 1 sqmm to 16 sqmm copper wire as final product
1) 7 Strands Machines:
(drawing, twist-bunching 7 strands from 0.43 mm to 1.7 mm , extrusion double layer, coiling machines, and auto packing) for copper wires.
2) Single core Machines:
(drawing, 1.12 mm to 2.25 mm , extrusion double layer, coiling machines, and auto packing) for copper wires.
3) UTP CAT 6e cable
all the above are fully automated - Industry 4.0 or better
- Machinery and equipment
- Technical data sheets
- Factory layout (Our factory available space 70m X 20 m)
- Delivery time frame
- Technical support for installation, maintenance, and training
- Machines power
- Total factory main power
- Machines dimensions
- Expansion to new or more products features
- Best and final Price
we will order equipment in September 2022
my contact
Ali Alostath * Attachment picture for members