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812042 [US] 美国求购遥控玩具车(IWaver, MiniZ, Firelap, 1/43 Nano RC cars)

I am pleased tohave found you as a source for the 1/28 Mini Z, Iwaver, Firelap and hopefullythe 1/43 Nano cars and parts. I aminterested in opening a specialized hobby shop with Nascar style racetracksthat handles only 1/16th and smaller R/C cars and mini indoorplanes, tanks, and helicopters. I would also be interested in becoming a dealeror distributor for these products, if affordable. Do you produce the Nascar MiniZ Readyset and if so, is it stillavailable? Are parts available for theRadio Shack Xmods?

Today, inthe U.S., the 1/28 mini cars are almost non-existent and I have not found asource in the U.S. for these products. So, if you have any information on these products, please forward it tome. As you may know, cost is very sensitive in this economic climate and timingis very important. I would like to bein a store before Christmas so a quick reply and continued communication withyou is highly important. Thanks inadvance for your assistance. I lookforward to hearing from you soon!

Below isa list of questions that I have come up with that, if you can answer, willfurther assist me in understanding your company. Additional questions may follow at a later time.

1 Who are your distributors in the United States (U.S.)that I might be able to purchase from and if I did purchase from them would Istill be able to purchase from you?

2 What is your normal delivery time for shipment to theU.S.? Your website states 3 to 5 days.

3 What are your qualifications for someone to become adistributor or dealer?

4 What is your relationship with Kyosho?

5 Do you manufacture the 1/43 Nano or similar productand, if so, can I purchase it from you?

6 I own a number of Xmods. Do you know who manufactures them or where I can purchase parts?

7 Since I am a perspective purchaser, what would ourbusiness relationship be if I pursue this venture?

8 How does Kyosho allow mini Z China to sell this productin the U.S. and will it be competitive with Kyosho?

9 Is there any problem with me purchasing and sellingyour products in the U.S.? What shouldI know about this, i.e., additional costs, taxes, etc.?

10 When you sell in lots, may I specify what car models toinclude in each lot or do you supply one (1) of each model?

11 Can you supply all components for U.S. assembly of yourcars?

12 Can you provide a 10 lot sample package at a minimalcost?
Post date 7-14, value member points ?


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