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safety items buyer & importer

[KW] [F1056481] 科威特求购安全系装备(safety items) (10-17)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is barqawia from KW. I'm looking for supplier with good experience in safety products : safety products for workers. all safety prodcts : shoes,boots,vest,helmet,glasses,har...
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[IN] [F760256] 印度求购安全设备(Safety Items) (03-16)
  Requirement Of Reflective Road Safety Items we want to import various road safety- reflective items like safety jackets, helmets, traffic cones, delineators etc. we would also want to know abou...
[SA] [F725662] 阿拉伯求购安全设施(Safety Items) (04-07)
  Subject: Need To Buy Safety Items. Request for Quotation: We need following items immediately: Please provide picture, packing details, & shortest delivery time possible in your quotation. ...
[IR] [F352814] 伊朗求购安全产品(safety items) (01-24)
  Dear Sirs, We​ are​ going​ to​ provide​ safety​ items​ such​ as​ shoes,helmets,gloves,mask,welding​ mask,anti​ acid​ gloves,ant...
[ZA] [F351343] 南非求购安全产品(safety items) (01-18)
  Dear Supplier, Please​ send​ urgent​ pricing​ for​ delivery​ to​ South​ Africa.​ Quote​ on​ any​ safety items​ you̴...
[IN] [F108724] 印度求购安全装备(Safety Items) (07-05)
  We are interested in importing your Safety Items. Forward your Samples for our Evaluation With Competitive Price and other details
[US] [F52535] 美国求购雨衣,安全用品,鞋(recreational rainwear, footwear, and safety items) (11-27)
  Plastex Protective Rainwear - Manufacturer and importer of industrial and recreational rainwear, footwear, and safety items.

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