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[ZA] [F1175916] 南非求购安全服和安全装备(safety clothing and safety gear) (08-27)
  Good day,We are a mining company with new project in Madagascar. We want you to supply us with safety clothing for the mine. Can you get in contact with me for more details:
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[SI] [F1112483] 斯洛文尼亚求购安全装备(Protective equipment) (12-24)
  . Masks FFP3 Respirator without valve = 1000 pcs 2. TYVEC overalls with a hood = 200 pieces (100 x XL and 100 x XXL) 3. Shoe protection, packing 25 pcs = 10 PCS 4. Visor protective for face = 50 pc...
[KE] [F776108] 肯尼亚求购安全装备(anti riot gear) (08-28)
  we are looking for manufacturers of anti riot gear , full nbc suitsm solar cooking utensils , rubber bullets for practice for army, and many more
[QA] [F370317] 卡塔尔求购安全装备(safety tools) (06-08)
  Dear Sir/Madam, We are pleased to introduce our company Al Bader Group as one of leading contracting firms in the state of Qatar. We are kindly requesting to provide us your best offer of the follow...
[KW] [F361835] 科威特求购安全装备(safety equipments) (04-02)
  Dear Sir kindly provide us with your safety equipments catlogs price list ,design color weight quality price & delivery time are very important to estabkish business with us. please check the ...
[IN] [F359968] 印度求购安全装备(safety equipments) (03-21)
  we need the following safety equipment for: 1. Eye Protection 2. Face Protection 3. Head Protection 4. Ear Protection 5. Hand Protection 6. Body Protection 7. Feet Protection 8. Respirato...
[IR] [F356614] 伊朗求购安全装备(safety equipment) (02-26)
  Dear Sir /​ Madame, We,​ as​ a​ distributor​ of​ Safety​ equipment​ in​ Iran,​ need​ your​ products'​ list​ andR...
[CL] [F352408] 智利求购安全装备(safety equipments) (01-22)
  Hello, we are​ a​ company​ en​ Chile​ (South​ America),​ we​ make​ anbulances​ and​ sell​ safety​ equitments. We​...
[PT] [F350512] 葡萄牙求购安全装备(security equipments) (01-15)
  We deal with​ mining​ companies​ in​ Angola​ and​ we​ are​ interested​ in​ SECURITY​ EQUIPMENT​ for​ mining​ compani...
[EG] [F349168] 埃及求购安全装备(safety equipments) (01-10)
  We are company​ working​ in​ egypt​ industrial​ safetyequipments we​ wont​ agood​ prices
[BO] [F348693] 玻利维亚求购安全装备(safety equipments) (01-09)
  We are a company​ that​ sells​ fire​ safety​ equipment​ are​ seeking​ new​ suppliers,​ we​ are​ interested​ in​ your...
[MY] [F345223] 马来西亚求购安全装备(safety equipment) (12-28)
  i​ would​ like​ to​ kw​ more​ about​ these​ safety​ equipment.​ i​ would​ like​ to​ request​ a​ catalog&...
[GR] [F342220] 希腊求购安全装备(protective equipments) (12-21)
  Dear Sirs, We​ are​ intrested​ in​ paintball​ protective​ equipment, Please​ contact​ with​ us​ with​ your​ catalogue̴...
[US] [F338407] 美国求购安全装备(safety equipments) (12-12)
  Greetings, We​ are​ a​ safety​ and​ environmental​ equipment​ supplier​ based​ in​ Savannah​ Georgia​ USA.​ ​ I...
[SG] [F337782] 新加坡求购安全装备(safety products) (12-11)
  We're​ leading​ oil​ pipe​ line​ industry​ in​ Saudi​ Arabia​ base.​ I​ am​ the​ purchasing​ management​ of...
[EG] [F336659] 埃及求购安全装备(safety equipments) (12-06)
  We are an importing co. In egypt looking for personal safety equipments
[IN] [F108724] 印度求购安全装备(Safety Items) (07-05)
  We are interested in importing your Safety Items. Forward your Samples for our Evaluation With Competitive Price and other details

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