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security equipments buyer & importer

[NG] [F831862] 尼日利亚求购安全设备(security equipments) (02-09)
  please furnish me with the security equipments in the market, both the ones made by you and your competitors. am interested in the area of burglar proofs, like bank vaults for instance. i want to know...
[AR] [F755927] 阿根廷求购安全设备(security equipments) (02-17)
  Our company wants to purchase security equipments, please contact us and offer your best price. Best regards!
[QA] [F755913] 卡塔尔求购安全设备(security equipments) (02-17)
  dear sirs:our company is in need of security equipments , please contact us. Thanks~
[PK] [F746976] 巴基斯坦求购安全设备(Security equipments) (11-03)
  Monitoring & Security equipments. Pakistan is in great threat of terroriziam and we foresee a continuous requirement of Surveillance / Security equipments
[TZ] [F746900] 坦桑尼亚求购安全设备(security equipments) (11-01)
  security equipments we are one of the leading security co. in dar es salaam , tanzania . we are doing security a s well as selling security products, like alarm system, tracking device, fencing, RAdi...
[TR] [F698885] 土尔其求购安全设备(Security Equipments) (06-13)
  For the sector leader; we intent to buy DVR systems, CCTV cameras and their equipments. We are waiting best offers of strong and good suppliers and producers. Note: Choosing will be depends on betwe...
[TR] [F695286] 土耳其求购安防产品(Buy Security Equipments) (05-09)
  For the sector leader; we intent to buy DVR systems, CCTV cameras and their equipments. We are waiting best offers of strong and good suppliers and producers. Note: Choosing will be depends on betwe...
[PT] [F350512] 葡萄牙求购安全装备(security equipments) (01-15)
  We deal with​ mining​ companies​ in​ Angola​ and​ we​ are​ interested​ in​ SECURITY​ EQUIPMENT​ for​ mining​ compani...
[BR] [F299978] 巴西求购安保设备(Security Equipments) (02-22)
  I'm looking for Security Equipments, I need high-quality product, if you are interested, please contact us, hoping to cooperate with your company.
[CM] [F159137] 喀麦隆求购安全设备(security equipments Bullet proof ves) (03-05)
  Dear Sirs, Our firm, Ets. Ahidjo Consulting Business Sarl- is a consulting agency based in the business Capital of Cameroun in West Africa. We are commission agents, traders, Importers, supplier...

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