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[US] [F449883] 美国求购挤压玩具(stress toy) (08-07)
  Hi , I wanted to know in the minimum order of 5000 pieces, how many designs am i able to get? I am interested in getting figurines of some of my drawings. I wanted to know, if i got a figurine of ...
[US] [F447016] 美国求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (07-22)
  Please provide price for 1000 PU gold fish stress toys. Thank You
[AU] [F444959] 澳大利亚求购挤压玩具(stress toy) (07-09)
  Hi What age group has this been lab tested to? Do you have a certificate to prove this? Which market are you currently supplying to? I need to know that it is same for kids. What is the stuffin...
[VE] [F438797] 委内瑞拉求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (06-11)
  Dear Representative, I would like to know if you could produce the *** product (several photos) into a stress ball. If this is possible, I would like to know your price and time of production for...
[US] [F437722] 美国求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (06-06)
  We are interested in the gorilla shaped anti-stress ball. Do you have any pictures of gorilla shapes? Please send ASAP. We also need to imprint our logo on the item. If the quality is high, and we lik...
[HK] [F437059] 中国香港求购挤压玩具(Water Squeeze Toy​) (06-03)
  We are looking to make our Original Design of Water Squeeze Toy​ for JAPAN market. PLS REFER TO MY *** EXCEL FILE FOR MY ENQUIRY DETAIL. ​ QTY:10,000-20,000pcs Packing:1pc opp bag + i...
[CY] [F436955] 塞浦路斯求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (06-03)
  Hello, I would like to order 5.000 antistress lime balls but I need them in Cyprus in 2 weeks time and if possible printed with our logo. Could you please tell me today, if you can do this and how...
[US] [F432344] 美国求购挤压玩具海盗(pirate stress balls.) (05-12)
  Please send me a quote if you have a pirate stress balls. State MOQ. and include shipping cost to San Diego CA.
[TW] [F431056] 中国台湾求购挤压玩具(stress ball in shape as a dice) (05-05)
  We have an inquiry of a stress ball in shape as a dice, 6 sides and hope that you are able to helps us to quote with. * Quantity : ​ 10,000 pcs * Size : 60x60x60mm ~ 80x80x80mm ​ ( pleas...
[HU] [F431031] 匈牙利求购挤压玩具毛毛鱼(puffer ball fish squeeze toy anti stress ball) (05-05)
  Ref.:puffer ball fish squeeze toy anti stress ball Our company is an importer/wholesaler of fittness and wellness products in Hungary. As we know your company is a manufacturer/exporter of the ...
[CU] [F429544] 古巴求购挤压玩具(press toys) (04-23)
  have​ received​ your​ catalogue​ in​ our​ office.​ Can​ you​ please​ produce​ following​ item​ according​ to​ ...
[IN] [F429101] 印度求购挤压玩具(Stress​ Reliever) (04-21)
  Dear Sir/Madam We​ require​ 7500​ pcs​ of​ Stress​ Reliever.​ Kindly​ quote​ price​ in​ RMB​ &​ USD,​ also​...
[CO] [F428605] 哥伦比亚求购挤压玩具青蛙(squeeze frog) (04-16)
  squeeze frog 1.​ Photos 2.​ Specs 3.​ FOB​ price 4.​ Carton​ units 5.​ CBM Best​ regards Juan​ David​ Ramirez​ Copete
[CA] [F427293] 加拿大求购挤压玩具方块(stress ball Pu cubes) (04-09)
  stress ball Pu cubes - sizes approx.. from of 5x5x5cm, to 6.5x6.5x6.5cm - no logo required, any color - from 1000 to 3000 p. first order - delivery by sea
[MX] [F426137] 墨西哥求购挤压玩具电脑(computer​ shape​ stress​ toy​ with​) (04-02)
  please send a​ quote​ for​ 3,000,​ 5,000​ and​ 7,000​ units​ of​ this​ computer​ shape​ stress​ toy​ with​ 2&#...
[US] [F426126] 美国求购金色挤压玩具猪(golden​ pig​ head​ stress​ ball) (04-02)
  Hello! I would​ like​ a​ sample​ of​ the​ golden​ pig​ head​ stress​ ball.​ ​ And​ cost​ for​ x1000​ ...
[DE] [F425715] 德国求购挤压玩具(squeeze toy) (03-31)
  we​ got​ an​ inquiry​ for​ squeezies​ in​ shape​ of​ the​ ***​ tool​ (simplified) The​ size​ should​ be​...
[EG] [F425704] 埃及求购挤压玩具(squeeze toy) (03-31)
  Our​ company​ Globe​ Impex​ is​ one​ of​ the​ biggest​ Advertising​ Agency​ in​ all​ over​ Egypt​ and​ A...
[GH] [F425623] 加纳求购挤压玩具蜜蜂(squeezable​ bee​ toys​) (03-31)
  Please​ let​ me​ know​ if​ your​ company​ has​ any​ general​ interest​ in​ doing​ business​ here​ in​ Gh...
[IT] [F425495] 意大利求购挤压玩具橘子(orange fruit pu stress) (03-29)
  HI Sirs, we need of your FOB offer for 2000pcs of orange fruit pu stress with logo printing as ***. Diameter: about 5cm packaging: single polybag Send meto: I wait for you Marco

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