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[HK] [F425143] 中国香港求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (03-27)
  Noted​ your​ factory​ doing​ a​ lot​ of​ "Stress"​ item I​ would​ like​ to​ check​ with​ you​ to​ see...
[EG] [F425122] 埃及求购瓶子形挤压玩具(stress​ ball​ in​ bottle​ shape) (03-27)
  this is rody​ from​ egypt i​ want​ stress​ ball​ in​ bottle​ shape​ for​ quantity​ 1000:3000​ pcs​ plz​ contact...
[CH] [F424579] 瑞士求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (03-25)
  Hello, Would​ I​ like​ to​ know​ if​ you​ have​ a​ price​ list​ of​ your​ products? Thank​ you And​ accep...
[US] [F424572] 美国求购山形挤压玩具(Mountain Shaped Stress balls) (03-25)
  Mountain Shaped Stress balls
[MY] [F424408] 马来西亚求购挤压玩具骷髅头(squeeze skull ball) (03-24)
  Kindly please send​ me​ a​ quotation​ based​ on​ this​ item​ mentioned. Kindly​ please​ quote​ to​ me​ by​ the...
[AE] [F424336] 阿联酋求购眼泪形挤压玩具(Tear shape stress ball) (03-24)
  Please​ send​ us​ your​ best​ offer​ for​ the​ below qty​ 500,000 shape:​ tear​ drop size:​ standard printing:​ 4...
[US] [F424295] 美国求购挤压玩具心玩具眼睛(heart​ and​ eyeball​ stress​ balls) (03-24)
  Sunset Marketing​ is​ a​ leading​ supplier​ of​ promotional​ items​ to​ the​ Entertainment​ Industry. We​ are​ looking&...
[US] [F423828] 美国求购挤压玩具(stress​ toys​) (03-24)
  Good day, I​ am​ the​ President​ of​ a​ Chicago​ based​ Marketing​ Agency​ and​ am​ currently​ in​ search​ ...
[CH] [F423682] 瑞士求购挤压玩具小人(stress man) (03-21)
  As​ a​ first​ trial​ order,​ please​ send​ me​ your​ best​ FOB​ HK​ and​ CNF​ Geneva​ by​ air​ off...
[UK] [F423413] 英国求购方形挤压玩具(shape​ (Rectangle)​ stress toys) (03-19)
  My client wants​ a​ shape​ (Rectangle)​ approximately​ 120mm​ x​ 74mm​ thickness​ not​ specified. This​ needs​ to​ beR...
[SA] [F421493] 沙特阿拉伯求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (03-10)
[HK] [F421268] 中国香港求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (03-07)
  Pls advise us​ the​ best​ price​ of​ 3,000pcs​ stress​ toy​ (as​ per​ ***​ photo) delivery​ in​ Hong​ Kong​...
[NL] [F421266] 荷兰求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (03-07)
  Could​ you​ send​ me​ a​ list​ of​ your​ products? What​ is​ the​ delivery​ time?​ And​ what​ are​ th...
[UK] [F420833] 英国求购挤压玩具星星(stress star) (03-07)
  I am interested in purchasing between 500 to 1,000 star shaped stress balls. I would look for a single colour on each star, maybe silver or yellow. With wording in black, or a dark colour. Would all 1...
[CL] [F419985] 智利求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (03-04)
  We need to​ buy​ a​ significant​ amount​ of​ these​ products,​ it​ is​ essential​ to​ have​ a​ set​ of​ ...
[SG] [F419555] 新加坡求购挤压玩具(squishy soft toys) (02-28)
  This is josephine. I am interested in the following product: Product:squishy soft toys Type: Other Baby Toys;
[PL] [F418389] 波兰求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (02-24)
  We​ are​ in​ hurry​ and​ need​ to​ quote​ the​ price​ for​ 500​ stress​ toys​ in​ the​ shape​ of&#...
[PE] [F415028] 秘鲁求购挤压玩具(squeeze toys) (01-27)
  Hello, please​ send​ me​ some​ pictures​ of​ your​ products,​ also​ your​ MQO​ and​ a​ quote​ to:
[ES] [F409432] 西班牙求购挤压玩具(anti​ stress​ form​ of​ cigarret,​) (01-05)
  please quot lowest​ FOB​ for​ 50.000​ units​ and​ 100.000units anti​ stress​ form​ of​ cigarret,​ cigars,​ christmas​ and...
[AU] [F408815] 澳大利亚求购挤压玩具(stress toys) (01-01)
  We are​ after​ a​ stress​ toy​ in​ the​ shape​ of​ a​ bed​ for​ one​ of​ our​ hotel​ clients.​ ...

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