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Auto Thermostat buyer & importer

[DE] [F456447] 德国求购温度传感器(auto thermostat) (09-04)
  We need 37 degree thermostat,in 50pcs. Can you offer accordingly?
[CZ] [F447110] 捷克求购温度传感器(auto thermostat) (07-24)
  I am looking for thermostat for Alfa Romeo 2.0 Twin Spark, 110 kW. Do you have it? Thank for information.
[RU] [F446151] 俄罗斯求购温度传感器(auto thermostat) (07-15)
  thermostat to Volvo BL71 catalog number VOE 20450736 Also looking for suppliers of spare parts for road construction machinery (Komatsu, Volvo, CAT, JCB, etc.) for long-term work.
[KZ] [F445660] 哈萨克斯坦求购温度传感器(auto thermostat) (07-11)
  Hello. I'm interested​ for​ your​ SAAB's​ thermostats.​ I​ want​ to​ contact​ with​ you​ about​ this​ theme.​ IfR...
[UK] [F445627] 英国求购温度传感器(auto thermostat) (07-11)
  Thermostat​ for​ Hillman​ Avenger​ ​ (Paykan)​ 74​ c​ 40,000​ pcs​ ​ WAXSTAT​ Part​ number​ A-800​ 74​ A...
[IT] [F445363] 意大利求购恒温器(auto thermostat) (07-10)
  Like​ to​ receive​ a​ price​ list​ for​ thermostats​ off​ normally,​ open​ at​ 90​ ​ degrees​ Celsius​ &...
[UK] [F445072] 英国求购恒温器(auto thermostat) (07-09)
  Please​ inform​ us​ whether​ you​ have​ manufactured​ any​ thermostat​ for​ Kia​ Pride​ 1.41​ and​ Hillman​ Av...
[TW] [F445064] 台湾求购恒温器(auto thermostat) (07-09)
  We are looking​ for​ Thermostat,​ please​ send​ me​ your​ product​ list​ with​ application,​ OEM​ no.​ MOQ. thanks.​...
[UK] [F444507] 英国求购恒温器(auto thermostat) (07-07)
  For AEC Routemaster​ bus,​ waxstat​ NO/​ ​ B82​ ​ eng​ no-av590/690 1965-78​
[IR] [F444502] 伊朗求购温度(auto thermostat) (07-07)
  we​ are​ iranian​ wholeseller​ of​ auto​ parts​ and​ we​ are​ intrested​ to​ buy​ thermostat​ for​ peugeotR...
[JO] [F444291] 约旦求购温度传感器(auto thermostat) (07-07)
  I am interested you Thermostat for FIAT series. What​ is​ the​ best​ CIF​ price​ for​ Dogan​ Thermostat​ to​ Port​ Sokna​ or...
[TR] [F444090] 土耳其求购温度传感器(auto thermostat) (07-04)
  We are interested in your auto thermostat for Volvo series,please send your​ volvo​ car​ inventory​ with​ prices​ and​ oe​ numbers​ if​ poss...
[TR] [F443909] 土耳其求购温度传感器(auto thermostat) (07-04)
  we need​ for​ alfa​ romeo​ series​ 145​ 155​ 156​ 159​ ... ​ thermostat.​ we​ are​ looking​ for​ vendor​...
[NZ] [F442055] 新西兰求购温度调节器(AUTO Thermostat) (06-25)
  I want to buy some auto​ thermostat​ for​ Nissan,​ tempreture​ set​ up​ at​ 68​ degree.
[RU] [F59894] 俄罗斯求购自动温箱(Auto Thermostat) (04-09)
  We would be grateful if you would let us have details of your goods. We are the great Manufacturer and Seller Company of Auto-Parts on the Russian market. Our company produces and sells auto par...
[RU] [F59851] 俄罗斯求购汽车调温器(Auto Thermostat) (04-09)
  We would be grateful if you would let us have details of your goods. We are the great Manufacturer and Seller Company of Auto-Parts on the Russian market. Our company produces and sells auto par...

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