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[US] [F912307] 美国求购温度调节器(Fan Coil Thermostat) (04-14)
  24 VAC, 2 pipe or 4 pipe hydronic floating proportional valve control by thermostat with fan control
[HU] [F896920] 匈牙利求购温度调节器(Thermostatic / Thermostat Element Series with Wax) (10-15)
  Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, please send me a quotation for the following wax element (thermal actuator) 0. Describtion Wax element ventile in water cooler (combustion motor - automotive) 1. Q...
[CA] [F848866] 加拿大求购温度调节器(Wax Pellet Thermostats) (05-29)
  I am looking for maufacturer of wax pellet thermostat approx 17mm diameter x 25mm long. Temperature approx 35 degrees celcius. 25,000 annual volume.
[IN] [F442896] 印度求购温度调节器(Temperature sensor) (06-27)
  We​ Simplex​ Engineers​ are​ specialized​ in​ making​ aluminium​ &​ plastic​ automobile​ spare​ parts.We​ are​ looki...
[NZ] [F442055] 新西兰求购温度调节器(AUTO Thermostat) (06-25)
  I want to buy some auto​ thermostat​ for​ Nissan,​ tempreture​ set​ up​ at​ 68​ degree.
[PE] [F47375] 秘鲁求购温度调节器(Thermostat) (09-28)
  The peruvian company "Corporación Progreso S.R.L." is looking for manufacturers of the following product: - THERMOSTAT (HS Code: 9032.10.00.00) Use: Electric frying pan according to *** pictur...

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