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Power Cables buyer & importer

[NG] [F205058] 尼日利亚求购电源线(Power Cables) (06-06)
  We are interested on the following Power Cables: (Cu/XLPE/PVC/SWA/PVC 3x240RM+70RM) and (Cu/XLPE/CTS/PVC/SWA/PVC 3x95RM/16 6/10 kv) Description: A: Cu/PVC/PVC/SWAP/PVC (4x240SM, 4x150SM, 4x120SM, 4x95...
[AF] [F143203] 阿富汗求购电缆线(Power Cables) (01-07)
  0.6/1kv PVC/XLPE Power Cables, Single and Four Cores, CE or UL certified, IEC Code. Samples with printed data is a must.
[KR] [F118658] 韩国求购电力电缆(Power Cables) (12-01)
  Project: Construction of 132KV OHL from Manah to Adam & 132/33/11KV Adam Grid Substation in Dakhliya Region, Sultanate of Oman. Client: Oman Electricity Transmission Company. We are executing th...
[BJ] [F109165] 贝宁求购电力电缆(power cables) (07-20)
  want to buy power cables, solar energy system, street light and poles, etc Presently we want to import the following below items: Power cables: 1: 3.8/ 6.6KV, Cu/ XLPE/ CTS/ PVC/ SWA/ PVC, t...
[BD] [F37987] 孟加拉求购电线(Power Cables) (05-23)
  I am writing from Bangladesh. I am interested about Domestic Power Cables. Any one has these products, please contact me.

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