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[VE] [427811] 委内瑞拉求购玩具猪(toy pig) (04-12)
  Hi, this is albert from calm sheen investments. Our company have you been in venezuela for years. Can you provide me with more information regarding the product? And. G. Detailed product specification...
相关买家: 玩具猪; toy pig;
[VE] [427121] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(Recycled Duplex Board) (04-09)
  This is gerardo. I am interested in the following product: Product:Recycled Duplex Board with Gray Back; Coating: Coated; Pulp Style: Recycled; Use: packing and printing; Pulping Type: Chemical...
相关买家: 纸张; Recycled Duplex Board;
[VE] [426783] 委内瑞拉求购毛刺海胆球(spikey​ urchin​ ball​) (04-05)
  We​ are​ very​ interested​ in​ your​ products.​ We​ are,​ however,​ looking​ for​ something​ quite​ specific.​...
相关买家: 海胆球; spikey​ urchin​ ball​;
[VE] [426153] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(paper rolls) (04-03)
  Need 1 Million POS Thermal paper Rolls Size: 57 x 38 x 12 mm Length : 15 m With free stripe on the edge of roll (pantone 356) 4 mm wide. Need price FOB C Size and weight of cargo. Also need deli...
相关买家: 纸张; paper rolls;
[VE] [425904] 委内瑞拉求购升降机(self-propelled manlift) (04-01)
  Good afternoon , I am Guillermo Chacon of Impact Tens Venezuela. I'm interested in a manlift machine work which interests me are the guidelines to buy the equipment. 14m self-propelled manlift. I...
相关买家: 升降机;
[VE] [425468] 委内瑞拉求购输油管道(pipeline) (03-29)
  oil pipeline to transfer refine oil
相关买家: 输油管道;
[VE] [425349] 委内瑞拉求购水球(water ball) (03-28)
  we are THE​ BABY​ SECURITY​ company​ (venezuela,​ USA)​ and​ we​ are​ interested​ in​ the​ ​ Item​ water​ bal...
相关买家: 水球; water ball;
[VE] [424586] 委内瑞拉求购水球(water ball) (03-25)
  What is your best price for water ball
相关买家: 水球; water ball;
[VE] [424146] 委内瑞拉求购闪光球(ball of light) (03-24)
  Good day, I​ am​ interested​ in​ the​ balls​ of​ lights,​ please​ i​ need​ models​ and​ prices,​ thanks​ for&#...
相关买家: 闪光球; ball of light;
[VE] [424050] 委内瑞拉求购医疗计算器(medical calculator) (03-24)
  Hi I am in search of 500 medical calculators, you can offer me a good price. I hope your offer please place your best price, weight, volume and delivery time for that amount. Best Regards
相关买家: 医疗计算器; medical calculator;
[VE] [423010] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(thermal paper) (03-17)
  hello good morning sra. jiang. i would like if possible send me a price list with quantities minimum sale. the rolls that interest me are the siguientes80mm termico57mm termico44mm termico75mm bond75m...
相关买家: 纸张; thermal paper;
[VE] [421567] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(white offset printing paper) (03-11)
  This is carlos. I am interested in the following product: Product:white offset printing papertransparent printing paper; Coating: Uncoated; Pulp Style: Virgin; Use: printing paper, note book; P...
相关买家: 纸张; white offset printing paper;
[VE] [418398] 委内瑞拉求购飞盘(frisbee) (02-24)
  1)​ Beach​ frisbee,​ plastic,​ full​ color​ printing.​ What​ is​ the​ FOB​ PRICE​ USD​ for​ 1000​ units? ...
相关买家: 飞盘; frisbee;
[VE] [417995] 委内瑞拉求购挤压球(stress ball) (02-21)
  Dear: I am​ locking​ Anti​ Stress​ Ball​ in​ Blue I​ need​ Models​ and​ Quotation​ Sheet​ for​ 10.000/20.000/50.000&...
相关买家: 挤压球; stress ball;
[VE] [416414] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(LOTS OFFSET PAPER) (02-13)
  I need a pro form for 20 tons of paper bonds 20 (Glasse) Tkyu
[VE] [416189] 委内瑞拉求购二氧化钛(Titanium dioxide Lomon R -996) (02-12)
  Titanium dioxide Lomon R -996 Description:Quantity:10000 kls Quality Standards: Packing: Place of Origin: Purity: Standard: :
相关买家: 二氧化钛;
[VE] [415644] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(offset paper) (02-09)
  Hi is a pleasure to greet'm an offset printer Venezuela and am interested in making new contacts for the purchase of paper, I seek good prices and good quality, I am interested in reams of 500 sheets,...
相关买家: 纸张; offset paper;
[VE] [415458] 委内瑞拉求购建筑设备(Construction equipment) (02-09)
  Mucho agradeceríamos enviarnos información técnica incluyendo lista de precios.
相关买家: 建筑设备; Construction equipment;
[VE] [415227] 委内瑞拉求购原料的鞋子(raw materials for shoes) (02-07)
  I want to import raw materials for shoes, if you have, can you please send me the catalogue? Many thanks!
相关买家: 鞋子;
[VE] [414869] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(paper roll) (01-27)
  hi, we are to new company in the distribution of paper rolls in venezuela. we are in search of suppliers. we want to know how serious the manner and method of payment, currency, entry into venezuela. ...
相关买家: 纸张; paper roll;
页码: 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
[1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100]
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