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[2000条. 页码 80/100]

[VE] [358053] 委内瑞拉求购跳伞(Parachute) (03-05)
  Speed Resistance Training Parachute Quantity Required: 100 Pieces I need to know price of each size without shipping cost. I have a DHL account.
相关买家: 跳伞; Parachute;
[VE] [357627] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(printing paper) (03-01)
  Good Morning I am interested in Bond base 20 paper for inkjet and laser printers. We need this paper in rolls of 36" wide and about 90 cms diameter in 3" core. We are a paper converter company...
相关买家: 纸张; printing paper;
[VE] [355731] 委内瑞拉求购纸张(copy paper) (02-20)
  I am interested on buying Printing and copying paper in order to import it to import it to Venezuela. Thanks
相关买家: 纸张; copy paper;
[VE] [355336] 委内瑞拉求购三甲基氰硅烷(Trimethylsilyl cyanide) (02-18)
  Hello. I work in IVIC (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas) I am very interested in Trimethylsilyl cyanide I want to buy a bottle of 10-25g Please, you could send me a quote? ...
相关买家: 三甲基氰硅烷; Trimethylsilyl cyanide;
[VE] [353699] 委内瑞拉求购复印纸(copy paper) (01-29)
  I am interesting in your products i have company moves in Venezuela South america I need diferent packing cartons for this company if possible you sed me the measure and tipe carton box and pictur...
相关买家: 复印纸; copy paper;
[VE] [353463] 委内瑞拉求购机械(HEAVY MACHINE) (01-28)
  We are a family business that is composed of parents kids. Its main activity is the sevice of heavy machinery, and also contracts for private and public companies with future projects.
相关买家: 机械; HEAVY MACHINE;
[VE] [353005] 委内瑞拉求购陶瓷贴纸(ceramic sticker) (01-24)
  ceramic sticker Quantity Required: 10000 Pieces Can you provide us with different sizes.
相关买家: 陶瓷贴纸; ceramic sticker;
[VE] [351925] 委内瑞拉求购脉冲仪(EMSCO Pulsation dampender) (01-21)
相关买家: 脉冲仪;
[VE] [351838] 委内瑞拉求购油封(oil seal) (01-21)
  I would like to know the price for Car Oil Seal, I am interested in buying 30 Piece/Pieces,
相关买家: 油封; oil seal;
[VE] [350690] 委内瑞拉求购礼品盒(weeding gift box) (01-16)
  Dear madam, Please note that we need 1,000pcs weeding gift boxes for our clients. As a wholesale, different gift boxes are weclomed, remember, the price is also important to us. Best regards, C...
相关买家: 礼品盒; weeding gift box;
[VE] [350653] 委内瑞拉求购饮用水净水剂(drinking water treatment) (01-16)
  Dear Sir or Madam, This is Ibrahim Wassouf from AQUA ADVANCE CORP. We need urgently the cationic polymer Flopam FO 4190 PWG white granular in 25 Kg bags for drinking water treatment. However It also ...
相关买家: 饮用水净水剂; drinking water treatment;
[VE] [350470] 委内瑞拉求购纸箱(corrugated box) (01-15)
  Hi, I represent a factory of plaster (stucco), our product presentation is a 1.5Kg little box. Right away, we are analyzing importing costs of this box. Requirements are as follows: 1. kraft corruga...
相关买家: 纸箱; corrugated box;
[VE] [350064] 委内瑞拉求购手套机(glove making machinery) (01-15)
  We are opening a gloves factory in Venezuela and need below equipment for glove production. pls contact us if you can supply below items. 1.Machine to produce cotton gloves production capacity 1.200.0...
相关买家: 手套机; glove making machinery;
[VE] [349687] 委内瑞拉求购节能灯(CFL) (01-14)
  I want to purchase 10000/pcs mounth of your product. Please give me more information about your 9 mm or 12mm 20W 8,000hrs 6400k 127V PBT E27 spiral
相关买家: 节能灯; CFL;
[VE] [349504] 委内瑞拉求购碳酸氢铵(Ammonium Bicarbonate) (01-11)
  We are looking FOB Miami quotation for 2500 Kg of Ammonium Bicarbonate. Let me know your soon response. Thanks and regards; Luis Racca
相关买家: 碳酸氢铵; Ammonium Bicarbonate;
[VE] [349183] 委内瑞拉求购皮手套(leather gloves) (01-10)
  We are a​ company​ located​ in​ Venezuela​ and​ we​ deal​ with​ safety​ items,​ we​ are​ looking​ for​ working...
相关买家: 皮手套; leather gloves;
[VE] [348293] 委内瑞拉求购尿素(UREA) (01-09)
  We need to quote several chemical products for Agriculture to import via Panama, as: GRANULATED UREA FERTILIZERS 18-18-18
相关买家: 尿素; UREA;
[VE] [348291] 委内瑞拉求购T恤(red t shirt) (01-09)
  We urgently need​ 100,000​ red​ tshirts,​ Unique​ size,​ thread​ 18​ round​ neck.​ We​ are​ also​ interested​ inR...
相关买家: T恤; t shirt;
[VE] [348290] 委内瑞拉求购防火服(fire resistant garment) (01-09)
  Dear​ Sr., We​ are​ very​ interest​ in​ your​ 100%​ cotton​ FR​ COVERALL​ GARMENTS;​ we​ have​ a​ market̴...
相关买家: 防火服; fire resistant garment;
[VE] [347453] 委内瑞拉求购衣服(clothes) (01-06)
  need different kind of garment.pls send details in email/
相关买家: 衣服; clothes;
页码: 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
[1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100]
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